Hey all,
My mom pointed out that I haven't blogged since the day before her birthday; almost a solid month ago. So here goes my midnight update for all the fans out there. (It's been a long day, so I'll probably be a little all-over the place with this update.)
-Plans are still on for Berta (and maybe Mark) visiting us for Thanksgiving. Haven't seen them since my birthday/Easter. The mall will be closed Thanksgiving day, so missing work isn't a problem for anyone.
-Emily, one of my co-workers, is dancing in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. She's part of a dance team called the Silverados.
-I had my two-year anniversary at my job, October first. Rick and Regina took my whole family out for Mexican food to celebrate. Also got a raise.
-My bosses took me out for dinner after work this last Sunday. We had chinese buffet. Crablegs & sushi! Yummmmy.

-Pam's getting divorced.
-I've been fighting flu-like symptoms for almost 3 weeks now. I had fevers early on. Threw up, one night. Aches, sleepiness, horrible coughing & runny nose. Bleh!
All that's left is this chesty cough that wont go away. Some of the October-only employees and some of the regulars repeatedly called in sick. They had dizzy spells, aches, and everything else you can't have while helping a customer. I've been muscleing through and just crashing into bed or the sofa when I get home from work. Dayquill is my friend.
Last week I was scheduled on the calendar to work 49 hours, but I ended up coming in more than that to cover for sick co-workers or work on projects (October 31st is very close!). I'm working from open-to-close all this week. Six Eleven-hour days straight, plus Six hours on Sunday. And that's if we don't have to stay after-hours to clean the store any night.

-Most of the October-only employees have "self-terminated". One lady only worked for ONE DAY and never returned. She even left that night saying, "see yall tomorrow." Then she never came back or called! Two other October-only employees pulled the no-call/no-show thing. Tacky, and a waste of my time training them all.
-Elaine had a girl scout event at a pumpkin patch about a week ago. Jim and Allan took her to it. The only photos he took were on his phone, so I got a picture of them with their pumpkins this Sunday.
She didn't care what her pumpkin looks like. She wanted the heaviest.
On Sunday Elaine dressed herself for church in that red and white sundress that we love. She put on one red Hello Kitty sock and one pink Hello Kitty sock. I teased her about it and she had a clever response... "They kinda match because my dress is patterned red and white. Red and white MAKE pink! :) "
-Jim covered my shift in the church nursery, since I had to work. He also repaired a laptop for a man at church.
-Elaine was asked to be the flower girl in Big Allan's wedding next February. Jim and the kids went to Garland on Saturday. Elaine was measured for her flowergirl dress at Allan & Steven's house. She'll be a solid size 8 by then. While in Garland, he moved some flowers around for Margo (Jim's grandma) and got his hands and feet badly bitten by fire ants. He says that of everyone around, he's the best person to be bit, because his cousins are very allergic of fire ants.
-I need to give us all haircuts. My hair is long enough for pigtails again. Jim's hair is all curly. And Elaine's bangs are too long.
We bought the kids new sneakers like 3 weeks ago. Elaine complained about her shoes, so I re-measured her feet. She went up a size and a half from before! The same day we bought Elaine a few pairs of pants. She's growing up and out. The leather strap on the back of Allan's sandals broke, so we got Allan shoes at the same time. Neither pairs of shoes have shoelaces. :)
-Elaine's class went on a fieldtrip to see parts of 'Peter Pan'. She said that she thinks it's funny the kid was pretending to fly. I asked what she meant. She GRINNED and said, "I saw the strings."
Jim bought some double-A batteries for me this week, since my camera needed them. The spare batteries went into the keyboard Elaine use to play with. Allan has been playing with it. He brags that he's "playing a Pin-ano".
Yesterday when I got home from work, Allan got out some construction paper and said, "Can you hold this Mommy? I gotta find something so I can Art." Adorable! He was fetching alphabet stamps.
Jim and Allan have been bonding, watching 'Ninja warrior". Allan and Elaine move around toys and stools in the living room to make their own "Ninja warrior obsticle course". Allan's gonna be a Ninja this year for Happy Hallelujah. I picked him out a costume with a Cobra snake on it. I showed Allan the movie, "Side Kicks", so he keeps talking about Chuck Norris. We don't know what Elaine will be for Happy Hallelujah. She doesn't like my ideas (cute sailor girl costume we have at the store) and she didn't fit the size for her first choice. I'm gonna let her try on more costumes tomorrow night.
3 days ago, Allan said, Mommies are good at "helping, making things, cleaning and picking out perfect costumes." I asked him if ALL Mommy's pick out perfect costumes. He said, "Oh yes, because I wanted to be a lion and it was perfect, then I wanted to be a ninja and it's awesome!" :) Jim asked, what are Daddies good at? Allan said, "Driving Mommy to work."
By the way, Allan pronounces Ninja, "Inja"