Thursday, August 16, 2012

Our herd, going to Chickfila

I made the kids some cow hats and shirts. I figured if I painted baseball caps, they wouldn't outgrow them and could use them again. I also made Elaine a cow-print skirt. Jimmy took the hats with him to work, so he and his coworkers could get FREE sandwiches at Chickfila at 'Cow appreciation day'. If you were 'part cow' you'd get a free sandwich. If you were dressed as a cow 'head to hoof', then your whole meal was free.

Jimmy made his own "costume" at work (it was a slow morning) to get his lunch for free.

Jim and the kids started playing Monopoly

... like all the time. That's their first question, when they hear anyone is coming over to the house; "Do they play Monopoly?"  They've played with my mom, Micah, Regina and Jimmy.  Allan won against Micah! :)

she had a peeling sunburn on her chin that day. :-(

different day. Same shirt. :p
Play Monopoly again. She made that hat, by the way.
"Jimmy Jr." consulting the rulebook.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Random pics of the kids, in July

Jimmy and Lainey at church. We got this dress (brand new with JCpenny tags) at a resale store the weekend before and she wanted to wear it.
Elaine was given skates. :)
Rare picture of Allan sitting still quietly.

Downtown Denton, going for ice cream.

Elaine crochets flowers.