Friday, December 02, 2011

Avast Matey!

Elaine is excited about a pirate-themed birthday party she and Allan are attending tomorrow. I borrowed from goodies from the rentals at work for them to get to dress up. 

Allan has been asleep most of the evening. He woke me up every 30-45 minutes last night with different reasons.... can he have a juicebox, his tummy hurts, can he watch netflix (at 4am!!), can he sleep with me, can he sleep in the living room? All night! Then Jimmy got a call from the elementary school today to pick up Allan because Allan was too tired. Of coarse he was tired; we were both up all night. Allan has been asleep on the sofa most of the evening, then Jim moved the little guy to his room. I really hope he stays asleep tonight and yesterday was just a freak occurrence.

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