Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Elaine's birthday

Elaine wore this birthday tiara to school on Friday. The last day of the school semester was the day before her 9th birthday, so they mostly watched Polar Express and played games.  My friends Codi & Jenna surprised Elaine at school, having lunch with her. They brought her a hamburger and sat at her lunch table to eat together.  Not a bad school day. :)

On her real birthday, Saturday, we took Elaine to learn rock climbing in Carrolton, TX. The rock climbing place was constructed inside a grain silo.

We let Elaine open one present before dinner/cake, so she could call her grandparents and thank them for it at a reasonable hour (different time zone).  She was very excited!

Lanterns on the table &  lantern cupcakes

Micah does NOT like silly string in his dreadlocks.  But he does like to cover the kids in it.

Tangled Barbie
We got her a Mp3 player and pre-loaded it with about 40 songs she likes. The mp3 player also came with a coupon for 35 free song downloads, so she gets to pick some out for herself.
Elaine was silent pretty much for the next two hours while she played her MP3 player. :))

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