This is Rick on Fat Tuesday at work. He's wearing/riding(?) a flamingo he has named Floyd. There's a Pink Floyd joke in this somewhere, but I'm not sure how to phrase it.
We walked around the mall, handing out free beads to kids and people. It was fun.
Today I had to work for 4 hours this morning. I don't normally work on Wednesdays, but they needed me to because they were in a meeting. As a result, my schedule is all weird this week. I'm off work on Friday... which NEVER happens.
We got a tax refund. Jim took the van in to Christian Brothers to get a tune up. All it needed was an oil change! So it's good to hear that the van is fine. We always seem to have car trouble at the worst time, so I'm glad the van was checked out by the car docs. :)
Jim is gonna get me an appointment at an optometrist. Regina suggests the doctor that has an office adjacent to the Walmart, but she says that even with an appointment, everyone ends up waiting in the waiting room for a long time. I wore glasses all through junior high and high school. I lost them freshman year of college (2001). Jim wants me to replace my glasses before I take my driving tests (or practice driving for that matter). It makes sense. Vision should come in handy while operating a vehicle.
Jim got Allan some new leather sandals at the thrift store today for $1.50! Good job Jimmy. :)