Our friend Regina texted me that she would watch our kids for Spring Break, all week, no charge. She ended up keeping the kids for a few hours on Monday (since I didn't work until 2pm and Jimmy was home by 5pm), and all day on Tuesday. They played 'Wheel of Fortune' on the Wii, made Regina her own Wii character to look like her, and watched cartoons.
Wednesday I was off from work, so I had the kids. Thursday Regina's allergies gave her a migraine-like headache. So after a walk to the playground, half-way through the day, she called her husband for backup. He brought my kids to me, at work, so she could let her sinus headache go away. Friday, Jim and I each took a child with us to work, which worked out fine.
To help her pass time in the breakroom at my job, I got Elaine a set of those hat or scarf looms for her yarn. She's been eye-balling them at stores for months & I had a 40% Off coupon. :) She enjoys playing with yarn more this way than just with a traditional crochet hook, because she's getting faster results.
*-_-*-_-*-_-*-_ Cub Scouts _-*-_-*-_-*-_-*
In other news: Allan is now a cub scout. He's a Tiger cub. They meet once a week and it's mandatory that his father (or a guardian) attend these meetings with him. Allan's personality makes him shine in his pack. Allan's first week at the meetings, they told each boy to learn a song they could sing the following week for the whole pack. On the night with the singing, most the boys sang "Twinkle twinkle little star" or "Jingle Bells"... something short and simple. Allan sang a full 3minute song from popular radio (he actually knows it from playing "Just Dance" on Wii). The other parents asked Jimmy if he had coached Allan. Jim's confirmed that Allan had memorized the lyrics on his own. :) When they got home from the meeting and I heard about him singing, I set up the webcam to record him singing it again. He's such a ham!
Allan's performing isn't the only way he stands out. He's just a sweet heart. The scouts had a patch ceremony. Each boy received a patch and shook a woman's hand. When it was Allan's turn, he accepted the patch, then gave the woman a huge bear hug! Everyone laughed, including the woman. This last week the boys marched. Allan was carrying the pack's flag. When someone yelled "Halt!", Allan was the only boy to keep marching. He hadn't ever heard the word, 'halt', before! :)
Jimmy was reading Allan's cub scout manual with him the other night.