Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Liss' 29th Birthday & paling around w Regina

A week before my birthday, Regina wanted to spend the day with me, to celebrate early. We ran errands together at Hobby Lobby, Walmart, and; Michaels, then she bought us Taco Bell for lunch.  We ate our food and worked on editing down the music playlist for her upcoming birthday party. It would be a dance party, so the music planning was very important.
Meanwhile, Regina's hubby (my friend & employer) received a call from the doctor's office saying that they had his newest scan results. Rick gets scanned every 4 months, because his chemotherapy is on a 4-month rotation. He tends to get great results for 3 or 4 months, like tumors shrinking up to 50%! Then the chemo works less and he has to switch prescriptions again.
 Well, Regina got a call from Rick saying he had to talk to her. The radiologist knew it was not good news, but they wouldn't get to talk to his doctor for the full scoop for another week. 

It had been 4 months and sure enough, right on schedule the chemo wasn't helping. They had a morning appointment to speak with the doctor and learned Rick has 6 new tumors, all on the left side of his body. He had tumors on his spleen, butt, shoulder, arm, leg muscle and lower abdomen. Please keep praying for our friend Rick. They are switching his meds again to see if a different prescription helps again.

My birthday fell on a Wednesday, which is my normal day off. When Regina realized I'd be home all day alone, while the kids were at school and Jim was working, she decided we should hang out again. She picked me up to take me to lunch after their appointment with the doctor. Jenna met us at Applebees. Courtney tried, but couldn't make it. After lunch, we went by the costume store and blew up some balloons for my birthday. Then we worked on editing her birthday music some more at my house. We whittled 9 hours of music down to 2 hours of her favorite dance songs. During this time, I also cooked my breadcrumb stuffed artichokes. :)  Rick had never tried them before, so he came by before they left for church and tried my cooking. Elaine and I ate our artichokes later that night (the boys don't like them).

Italian breadcrumb stuffed artichokes

 Strawberry cheesecake

She couldn't wait to get some of my cake.
The kids and I
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