Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Allan's Boyscout Bridging Ceremony

Waiting for meeting to begin.

Allan was called up, to receive pins, beads & belt loops for all the adventures Jimmy's been taking him on. They've gone to the museum a few times, rode the train, read a map together, etc.

 Then he was called up again, and they told his family to join him. We pinned a patch to his shirt, and he pinned a metal pin to his daddy's shirt.

As soon as we sat down, they called us and another family up for Allan to progress another level.
Here's his new pins for being a Bobcat, and a Tiger. 

Bridging ceremony: All the 1st grade Tigers bridged over to being Wolf scouts.

He was given a neckerchief.

Elaine also had her bridging ceremony recently. She's a 'Junior' Girl Scout now, instead of a Brownie. I couldn't be there for that ceremony. 

My store is moving this month, so I've been working crazy hours, even going in to help them move on my days off. I left work for 90minutes for Allan's bridging ceremony, then stayed at the mall, working until after midnight.

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