Since I haven't been able to blog on my original blog in a while I am thinking about what all I need to catch my loyal readers up on. Hmmm... I think I'll just tell you about my day and that will remind me of stuff I should tell yall.
This morning my Physics professor announced that the chapter 3 homework that I was racing to complete wouldn't be due for another 2 weeks. He said that MLK Jr. day through off his syllabus, so the homework I turned in last week (Ch 1 & 2) would be due today and next Friday. So I have 2 weeks to complete 4 physics questions from my book. I think that's manageable. :) I was kinda scared by this class because it's so math-heavy, but I feel like I understand the underlying principles. I made an A on my lab this week and another A on the weekly quiz (which they call a Test, but it's a quiz since they are weekly).
My other classes are Stage Craft 2 and Geology. The new Set designer is teaching my Stage Craft class. So far it's mainly about drafting.
After Physics class I had a meeting for the play I am working on. I am one of 4 (yes, FOUR) assistant set designers for UNT's production of 'Scapino'. The play opens the weekend of my birthday. The set designer, Randal, is new to teaching and he said something about never working with assistants before. I kinda wonder if that's why he has so many assistants. Hmmm? The other assistants are Anna, Bazzle and Yeaka. Yeaka doesn't comprehend a lot of English and her accent is kinda heavy, so Randal doesn't seem to understand much of what she's saying. This will be interesting. Today's meeting was to get the entire Set Team on the same page and to divide up the work load among all the assistants. Various jobs were being matched to us based on what we are skilled at and what we want to be MORE skilled at.
My assignments on 'Scapino' are: 1. Research statues2. Design 2 original statues for our play; one will be all about youth and the other is about authority.3. Research foliage for Gardens on the set.4. Team with Bazzle and research sources for appropriate Greenery. 5. When we get to fabrication; Head the contruction of my sculptures6. Work on Scenic Painting.From the sketches I've seen, I think the set is very pretty. The design team keeps throwing around words like Travel and Escape. They want the audience to feel like they just took a vacation, when they've seen the show. I think that sounds like a very refreshing, happy experience. If any of yall want ticket info, look at the UNT Dance & Theatre link that's over to the right.
I've been working on some online research of Sculptures tonight. I have to show Randal my sculpture research and beginning sketches early next week. And late in the week, I need to have the original Sculptures all designed. Randal is gonna email me about the height and width I'm working with...he's thinking maybe around 16 feet tall. HUGE... but fun. It'll be great in my portfolio. Oh, I forgot to tell yall, I was assigned to sculpture duty because when Randal asked all the assistants who thought they drew the human figure well, I raised my hand. I guess it's good to know your strong points. Randal is super ambitious. He wants the model built by February 7th. That's really soon. Bazzle is helping him with the model this coming week. Anna and I are going to reproduce my Sculptures in miniture (1/2" ) scale for the model late this week. Thus my design deadline. Anna is familiar with some clay stuff that I've never used, so she's gonna be handy.
In other news: Jimmy discovered that almost ALL the classes that he needs to graduate are available online. I'm uber happy that he is staying on top of his degree plan. His classes don't start until the last week of February.