The big 1st Annual Chili Cook-Off was at our church this morning. Jimmy and I were volunteers and we had chili in the competition. Those facts together meant we were up at 7am... unheard of for me. I was assisting the head-honchos over the Youth (this was a Youth Fundraiser), Jeannie and Dave. We handed out ballots and helped set up everything. When Jimmy saw that no one was in the nursery, he volunteered to watch a bunch of kids plus our own during the service. It was a good day, just very long. We took naps after church for about 4 hours (the kids were tired too). I was the photographer for the day, so this is the only picture with me in it.

Good picture of you and Jimmy. I would like to know how the cook off went. Hope
There were over 200 ballots to count and re-count, so the winner wont be announced until church next week.
I don't think we'll win anything.
A lot of people were raving about the #5 pot of chili and ours was #2.
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