Allan had a fever Saturday night and Sunday morning, but was fine in time to be with the babysitter that night. Then 7am Monday morning Elaine was dripping with sweat and burning up. So she missed school yesterday. At work, I had a fever too, but some Tylenol and Vitamin C helped my fever break. Elaine's fever broke and then came back, so she was still feverish this morning. She's missing school again. I'm super sad about it, because 1) I hate when the kids are sick and I have to work instead of nurse them, and 2) We've been seeing Pamela and her kids every Wednesday and I wont let my sick kids get Pam's kids sick.
In other news: Rick hired two new girls at the store. *Happy dance* They are both 17. One of them has worked retail before, but the other has never worked anywhere before. They both were dancers. This might work out. One of my coworkers is moving away and we needed at least one more employee asap.