Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Owie Owie Owie

My fingertip got slammed in the Van's sliding door this morning. I cried the entire way to work. The skin-side split open a little, like ripped from the pressure. And the nail-side is blue and purple. I think I may loose the fingernail. It's still throbbing from something that happened at 9 this morning. I've taken Tylenol and a anti-inflammatory.

I didn't get my normal day off today. I worked until 3pm. My bosses are on their trip. I'm working 46 hours this week. That has me working every day this week. The coworkers and I are getting lots of progress made on our projects. :)

It hurts to type. I have a dysfunctional deleting-finger. *whine*
I need to put pictures on here from my date with Jim the other night. We went to Rocky Horror. I'll do that later.

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