Jim registered Elaine for school today. He was super annoyed because he had to keep filing out the same info over and over, then when he went to the nurse's station to fill out more info, she had her ipod on and ignored him. So he left. Then the school called me to tell me my husband "forgot" to sign the Health form at the Nurse's office for Elaine. He has tomorrow to go back and sign it. He's also peeved about all the statistical questions about our race. I told him to just select "other" when given choices in the future. It's a catch-all.
Yesterday there was lightning and thunder and then a few drops of rain. Jim went outside to look at what the clouds were doing. He started walking down the road a few yards. AlPal sat at the window, yelling, "No Daddy, Don't go in the road. That's where the hurt is!!!" Then he paced to the windows on the back end of the house and asked me, "How'm I gonna get Daddy from the road back?"
Later last night, I found Allan's "missing" blue robot toy was stashed up on top of the TV cabinet. I called Al into the room and gave him back the toy. He was ecstatic! Allan looked at his Robot toy lovingly and said, "Blue Robot, you're safe! How'd you get up there?"
Tonight, when I got home from work, Elaine asked if she could play with my sculpting clay (remnants left from previous design classes). She made Little Foot and Petri from the "Land Before Time". She wants to bake and paint them tomorrow.
We are meeting Pamela next Wednesday to go to the local Water Park with she and her family. The local home school association is hosting the night at the Water Park and Pamela is allowed to invite one family of guests. I haven't chatted with Pamela much in the last 3 weeks, so I'm glad we'll get to catch up. She has some font Cricut cartridges she is loaning me also. :)
Saturday the mall is having a large "Back to school bail out" event. We're wearing costumes at work. I think Regina, Rick and I have decided on an 'Alice in Wonderland' theme for our costumes. Rick is wearing our Flamingo costume, nicknamed Floyd. So I suggested the 'Alice' theme. Does anyone else remember the flamingos in Alice in Wonderland? cracks me up! I'm supposed to be the March Hare. I need to try it on and make sure it fits tomorrow. Of coarse, I'll take pictures. While I'm at work Saturday, Jim is taking the kids to a pool party at Rick's church.

Regina told me today that customers are constantly telling her I'm the "nicest person". That made me smile.
Today I got my first call about my student loans from Wells Fargo. Evidently, they have been mailing student loan payment info and bills to our old address on Locust St., since last November. The mail wasn't 'returned to sender', so they thought I was ignoring my bills. We had a very nice friendly chat. The fact that I was on food stamps at the time when they first tried to bill me, last November, is gonna help clear up the months of non-communication. So that's awesome. I have to mail in a copy of my food stamps info from last fall. They have my updated contact info now.
The man on the line told me about deferring my payments for a year at a time. He said that as long as our combined income is under $25,000 annually, I will qualify for deferments. But I'll have to re-apply once each year.
I have both a subsidized and unsubsidized loan. So the unsubsidized loan will accrue interest even while the balance is in deferment. So my best bet is to still make a monthly payment on the unsubsidized loans interest, so it does not add to the existing loan balance. I'll end up paying more by the end of this, but it's better for my credit to show I'm making any payments than to have anything default later on.
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