Saturday, September 26, 2009

God's Timing

It seems like God's hand was heavily guiding the timing of everything last night.

Elaine had her first Girl Scout meeting at 6pm at Kil'n Time. She got to meet all the girls in her troop and paint a tile, that was later fired in a kiln. Her meeting was gonna end between 7pm & 7:30pm. We were annoyed that we were gonna be in the middle of the last rush to help Pamela move (in Krum), and have to turn back to pick up Elaine from Girl Scouts (Denton). Then of course God stepped in.
We got a call from Dave, asking if we all wanted to meet for dinner. We told them we were still helping Pamela move. Katy and Dave volunteered to drive in and help Pam. They drove in, and even picked up Elaine from Girl Scouts on the way in. I think this was all pre-planned by God, since Katy is a grown Girl Scout and could relate what Elaine was doing. Elaine was very excited to see her Aunt Katy and Uncle Dave, when she didn't expect to see them.

As of last night around 9:30pm, Pam has all her belongings inside her place in Decatur. It was awesome at the end there. She had like a dozen people pitching-in to quickly move everything. There is a lot of unpacking and settling-in still to do. I work 8 hours today, but I'm off work tomorrow. After church, Jim and I are going over to Pam's to set up her computer and help her unpack.

Jim pointed out, to me, that in the last three days he's used as much gasoline as he normally uses in 2 weeks, driving between Denton, Krum and Decatur. But, he was the first to volunteer to set up Pam's computer on Sunday. Bragging about my hubby: he also drove to lots of different stores gathering up boxes for Pam, earlier this week. He's been making me really proud. October is around the corner, with the 60-hour work weeks that I expect, we'll get balanced back out from using the extra gas this week.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

At work, a flamboyant man walked in alone and headed strait for a hotpink zebra print chiffon petticoat. He grabbed it and said that he was ready for a cashier. I asked him, quietly, "would you like to try it on?" and he snapped back "NO! It's a GIFT!!" (He looked shocked/angry) ... well, excu-use me for annoying you mister customer man, but you did just pick out a hot pink zebra print petticoat all by yourself.

Today Jim is watching Cole & Allan while I help Pam pack up. (Elaine will be at school.) I think we'll still make it to Bible study tonight, but not counting on it. She wants help moving but doesn't know many guys who are available during the middle of the day... this is where we come in.

If anyone local has a spare King-sized bedframe, let me know.

p.s. Monday was the Anniversary of our first date. Jim and I have been a couple for 8 years now.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hung with my Niece and Nephew today

Well, they might as well be my niece and nephew, since we all call Pamela my "big sister". We hung out with Kaylee and Cole today. The boys got along pretty well, besides a couple sharing issues here and there. Once Elaine got home from school Kaylee and she played with my watercolors.

These kids always seem to line up in height/age order. teehee hee.
By the way, a blurry Cole sure looks a lot like Charlie Brown!

Last 8 days in photos.

Elaine had to decorate a shoebox for school that explains the sense of taste. She had to put 5 things inside to help explain taste, but NOT use real food. She made the box look like her mouth (her idea to leave out the front two teeth!) and put a construction paper tongue. We marked where all the appropriate tastebuds are located. Limes and Lemons say "Sour", Coffee is labeled "bitter", a Salt shaker for "Salty" and a cookie for "sweet". We had fun making it together Monday night.

Little brother at his finest.

Kids in rainy day gear.

such a ham.

Sunday Elaine's *other* front tooth fell out.

Last Wednesday, Allan posing with his storm trooper toy.

Elaine's Paula Dean cookbook had a diagram of how to set the table. She practiced the other night, with Allan.

Helping cook Fajitas.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Good News abounds

My new favorite treat: Garden Salsa Sunchips and Homemade Guacamole (with lots of cilantro).

I've been working between 43 and 48 hours at the store the last few weeks. So I've been getting 'time and a half'. We're finally catching up on the bills that we were behind on, from when we had to get the Van fixed like 6 weeks ago. October is just 3 weeks away, so things are getting crazy busy at work. I'm under deadlines for all my projects. Everything should have been done yesterday, so to speak.
The super good news is that Rick hired a new girl, Codi, who started on Friday and today he hired
another girl. The girl he hired today, M'Lisa, I hand-picked.
She was in the store shopping with her mom, who needed makeup for a school face-painting event. M'Lisa was telling her mom about all the differences in the makeup, so I noticed she knows her stuff about theatrical makeup. Turns out, M'Lisa has a theatre degree focusing in Makeup (like how mine focused on Scenery and Makeup). I got the gal a job application, and called Rick out of his office to meet this one! Since she's a college graduate, like me, she doesn't have all the time conflicts my other co-workers have. M'Lisa was hired on the spot. I train her beginning Monday. Rick said I did a good job finding her. I'm excited. I get called away from my projects to explain the most BASIC makeup applications to customers, because my other co-workers don't retain all the makeup directions. I'm happy in the near future I will get more of my other more-important projects completed while this new girl helps customers with makeup.

Jim took Elaine to two important meetings on Tuesday. Elaine went to an information meeting about her school district's Gifted and Talented program, called 'Expo'. Only one other family from our school attended, so Jim got to ask lots of questions to the specialist who works at Elaine's school. Jim's setting an appointment to have her tested for Expo. It's a 6 hour process. One of the girls I work with at the store was in Expo from 1st grade through high school. She says that it's for creative kids; free thinkers who are good a problem solving.
The same night, Jim also went to get Elaine registered for Girls Scouts. Her first meeting is either this coming Tuesday or the one after, I'll have to ask Jim.

Why does the past-tense of 'Picnic' have a 'K' in it? That makes no sense.

David kicked off his "Three-Day Birthday Extravaganza" with us last night. I took lots of pictures for our scrapbooks. After work, the family all got together and had a great time celebrating Dave's 30th (aka "18 with 12 years of experience"). We brought all the fixings to make HUGE sandwiches. I had to put a half-dozen toothpicks in Jim's sandwich, so it wouldn't fall apart! The whole family picnicked on blankets by the lake with the wild life.
After diner, Katy surprised Dave with cupcakes. The smarty remembered to get half of the cupcakes without chocolate, so I could have one without my allergy kicking in.

After the grub, we all went Ice Skating at the Farmer's Branch Star's center.It was David's first time back on the ice since his surgery. He was super excited!! (His doctor says he can skate but can't jump back in to Hockey yet.) Dave zoomed past the kids and I, having lots of fun chasing their Aunt Katy. Jim's skates were super painful, until I pointed out that he had them on the wrong feet. Suddenly, he was fine. Go figure.
Allan did so so much better than he did last winter. He *marched* around the ice rink, holding on to my hand to balance. or leaning his shoulder against the wall. (click the pic to see it larger, you can totally tell he's marching, not sliding).

Last time we skated, it took both my hands to help his balance. After an hour, Allan started to PULL me around the ice. We had lots of fun. Elaine is getting better at skating too. She gets easily distracted and looses her balance when she turns her head. We've collectively decided the girl needs some blinders. hehe.

Katy called this his 3-Day Birthday Extravaganza, because she has all these surprises and celebrations planned for him all weekend. Today she surprised Dave in a big way... she set it up for him to fly a WW2 biplane! SERIOUSLY!
How cool is that!?!? Katy took lots of pictures. I can't wait to see how the scrapbook layouts turn out.

In other news: I'm off from work tomorrow (Sunday). I was off last Sunday too. Rick says he's only gonna have me work Sundays when he absolutely needs it, like if he has a church meeting that he's required to attend or whatever. I'm working next Sunday, but that's much better than every-other, like we've been doing since late May.