Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Last 8 days in photos.

Elaine had to decorate a shoebox for school that explains the sense of taste. She had to put 5 things inside to help explain taste, but NOT use real food. She made the box look like her mouth (her idea to leave out the front two teeth!) and put a construction paper tongue. We marked where all the appropriate tastebuds are located. Limes and Lemons say "Sour", Coffee is labeled "bitter", a Salt shaker for "Salty" and a cookie for "sweet". We had fun making it together Monday night.

Little brother at his finest.

Kids in rainy day gear.

such a ham.

Sunday Elaine's *other* front tooth fell out.

Last Wednesday, Allan posing with his storm trooper toy.

Elaine's Paula Dean cookbook had a diagram of how to set the table. She practiced the other night, with Allan.

Helping cook Fajitas.

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