Wednesday, September 23, 2009

At work, a flamboyant man walked in alone and headed strait for a hotpink zebra print chiffon petticoat. He grabbed it and said that he was ready for a cashier. I asked him, quietly, "would you like to try it on?" and he snapped back "NO! It's a GIFT!!" (He looked shocked/angry) ... well, excu-use me for annoying you mister customer man, but you did just pick out a hot pink zebra print petticoat all by yourself.

Today Jim is watching Cole & Allan while I help Pam pack up. (Elaine will be at school.) I think we'll still make it to Bible study tonight, but not counting on it. She wants help moving but doesn't know many guys who are available during the middle of the day... this is where we come in.

If anyone local has a spare King-sized bedframe, let me know.

p.s. Monday was the Anniversary of our first date. Jim and I have been a couple for 8 years now.

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