Tuesday, August 23, 2011

First Day at Robert E. Lee elementary

Allan wasn't feeling well, so I didn't make them take lots of pictures. He and I have been fighting a cough for about a week. 

Today (Tuesday) we got him dressed for school, made his sack-lunch and Jim was loading him in the van when he noticed Allan felt really hot. He stayed home with me. It turned out to be a good thing, since during the day he both threw up and had diarrhea symptoms. We walked to the school to get Elaine and picked up the registration packets for the Extended School Day program. The packets have to be turned in, with payment, at the district's Extended School Day office, which was having some sort of teacher-in service day today. I got them on the phone. They said they have space in the program for both my kids! :) They just weren't taking registration packets today. Jim is gonna turn in the paperwork on Friday.

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