We got around to checking our mail from the last few days. We received the kiddos Christmas presents from their Gramps and Nana (my Dad and Carol). They sent each of the kids rolling luggage shaped like an animal. One was a froggy and one was a puppy. Allan wanted both of them, since he likes both doggies and frogs (he calls them 'Ribbits'). He rolled one of them around the house like it was a vacuum cleaner.

Also in the mail, I received the prints of Elaine's school photos. I'm mailing pics to Berta, Scott &Hope, and Dad &Carol some time this coming week. Each family will get a 3x5 and 5x7.
Lastly we *FINALLY* received my results from the Fitness Study I took part in over the Summer. These results are from before I got my job and lost the 17 pounds, but they are still probably a good indicator of my need for more exercise. Since I have no shame, here are the results. I'm kinda proud that even then, I was right on target with eating within the recommended ranges.
Height 171.1 cm
Weight 232.3lbs
BMI 36.0 kg/m2 Rating: Obese class 2 (35.0-39.9) Recommended: 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2
Waist circumference: 109.6cm Rating: Very high (>110cm or >43.5in) Recommended: <88cm
Disease risk: Very High
Body fat: 39.4% Rating: Poor Recommended: 20% to 32%
Bone density: 1.346 g/cm3 Rating: Normal
Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Max oxygen consumption: 28.6mL/kg/min Rating: *Poor Recommended: >35mL/kg/min *No surprise,with my asthmaResting Blood Pressure: 124/82mm Hg Rating: Prehypertension Recommended: <120/80> 64.0 bpm Rating: Normal
Glucose and Lipid Panel
Glucose: 112.4mg/dL Rating: Impaired fasting glucose (100-125 mg/dL) Recommended: <100mg/dlTotal cholesterol: 163.3mg.dL Rating: Normal Recommended:<200
Triglyceride: 86.0 mg/dL Rating: Normal Recommended:<150mg/dl
LDL cholesterol: 103.5 mg/dL Rating: Near Optimal (100-129 mg/dL)
HDL cholesterol: 42.5 mg/dL Rating: Average (40-60 mg/dL) Recommended: >50mg/dL
Resting Metabolic Rate: 2495.0 kcal/day
Nutrition Analysis
Total Calories Actual: 2077.8 kcal Recommended: 2044.8 to 2359.4 kcalProtein: 80.2g or 162.8 kcal = 19.5% Recommended: 20% kcal
Carbohydrates: 252.0g or 202.5 kcal = 57.9% Recommended: 50-60% kcal
Total fat: 84.6g or 202.5 kcal = 24.2% Recommended:<30%
Saturated fat: 24.5g or 63.1 kcal = 7.4% Recommended:<10%>
** I emailed the study's facilitator because I spotted an obvious mistake. There's no way I'm 5 foot 6 inches tall.
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