Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Some school stuff... and more

Most my classes don't meet again before the final exams. All the exams are next Tuesday, Dec.11th. Some of the classes have review sheets to pick up on Thursday, so I'll have to go to campus for that. But that's it until the Finals. I'll have some free time on campus between picking up each review sheet, so I'm gonna meet with my adviser tomorrow, to make sure I am on track for graduation this summer. I don't want any misunderstandings or surprises.

I got the sheet from my Communications professor with all her feedback about my speech. She said I read of my que cards a little too much at times, but that I maintained great eyecontact and had an "extemporaneous" speaking style, with good hand gestures. I will have a solid B for this class, like an 86. I don't have to go to this class any more this semester, since I'm not taking the optional final exam.

I'll edit this post and add more after work. Later! -Liss
okie doke, I'm back. We had an eventful day today. On the way to drop me at work, our white van's 'check engine' light came on. It's never come on before. (We had some delayed starts before, but Dave said he thinks that it just might need new spark plugs.) So after Jim dropped me at work, he and Allan took the Van to the mechanic. There is no sense in pussy footing around about the van, especially with our trip coming up later this month. The van is at 'Christian Brothers' mechanics. We've used them before and really trust the business. They told Jim that they were gonna start with replacing the spark plugs and then the van might just need "a tune up" (replace fluids, etc). With the van in the shop, my boss drove me home from work.

I have reviews that I have to attend tomorrow on campus, one is at 9:30 (just picking up the review sheet and we're dismissed). Another is at 12:30, where I have to stay for a quiz and then the review. And then another review at 2pm. Since I have such a gap of time on campus between fetching my first review and going to my second review, that's when I'm gonna go meet with my adviser. Tonight I'm getting everything pulled together for that meeting. I want to be prepared. The bummer is that I'll have to ride my bike to campus tomorrow morning. The blessing is that I have the bike as an option! I'm gonna leave my house around 7am, because any later than that and I'll run into all this crazy elementary school traffic.
After my last review, I have to get to work at the shop. The girl who works Tues. & Thursday hurt her ankle, so Regina asked me if I'd be able to cover my co-worker's shift. (I'm trying to make up the pay for the days that she shop was closed at Thanksgiving). It's only 2 miles from campus, so I should be fine on the bike. I pray that by the time I get off of work (6pm) Jim has our van back from the mechanics. I bet my bosses could drive me home from work, if I needed it. I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

some good news: *Drumroll*..... I wrote like 5 perfect rental agreements today. This is the first time I could do it without being told step by step what to do by Regina. I just had Rick check my work after each rental form was complete, and every time I got it perfect! :) I also TOTALLY cleaned up the sewing workstation at work today. Now I know what we have to work with and I have re-assigned homes for the sewing notions. It's a big relief to have a clean work space. Rick is gonna install a pegboard above the sewing machine for me to keep notions in reach while I am working.
p.s. Yesterday was Jimmy's birthday. I'll post pictures asap.

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