Elaine and Allan are feeling better. Just some coughing here and there.
We went and had dinner at Steven and Allan's house last night, after I got off from work. They are doing pretty well. On the 12th, Steven's name is replacing Fumie's name on the house's deed. Steven is going to have surgery on his back as soon as he picks a doctor and gets all the pre-op visits done. It's this new surgery that's not FDA approved. It'll replace two parts in his spinal chord. It's an alternative to fusing them together. The recovery time (besides avoiding lifting for a while) is only supposed to last up to a week, while the stitches heal. After he's healed, Steven is gonna look into returning to college. Allan is doing well. They are taking it slow, cleaning up the house, now that they have more time to do so. They were laughing about a box of receipts that Fumie saved. They weren't for electronics or anything under warranty...but a full box of restaraunt receipts! :) It's good to hear them laughing.
The worst 'Price Is Right' player:
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