Monday, March 02, 2009

Fun and Savings

Because I worked in the morning on Wednesday last week, my schedule got shifted around. That gave me Friday off from work. That NEVER happens!

I babysat Pamela's kids at my house Friday afternoon, so she could see her Chiropractor. The girls played Barbies and the boys played cars and with Elaine's dollhouse. Kaylee was confused why Elaine has to share a bedroom with her brother. Kaylee kept trying to lock the boys out of "Elaine's room". It's funny because all the kids ages are staggered by 2 years. Pam's son is 2, Allan is 4, Elaine is 6 and Kaylee is 8.

Then Jim and I took the our kids to see 'Bolt' at the $2 theatre, inside the mall. It was adorable.

Some major plot points were over Elaine's head though. She doesn't understand what an actor is, so she didn't understand which parts of the movie were 'real' or acting. The kids had fun, but Elaine was confused a lot and asked lots of questions.

Jimmy and Elaine cut a lot of coupons over the last couple of weeks. Last night we went coupon shopping. It took 2 hours at the Kroger of deciding which coupons should be used this week and which ones we should save for sales. There was a razor on sale for $4 off, and I had a coupon for another $4 off, so this week we saved $8 on the razor! Stuff like that. When the cashier started ringing up our coupons $100 disappeared off of our grocery bill. We're getting our coupon system worked out, so it wont take as long at the store next time.

1 comment:

hebrank said...

That is awesome. I look at the coupons, and the only ones I use are dog or cat.Most are none that I would like to try, but since you saved $100.00, then I might have second thoughts. Keep up the good work.

Love you guys