I didn't feel well last night, a runny nose and some fever and such. I slept for 16 hours strait and now I can't fall asleep tonight. Go figure! :/ Figured updating everyone with pictures was a good way to use my insomnia.
My mom ended up visiting for a week around Thanksgiving after all. I worked a lot, but she had lots of fun hanging with the kiddos and Jimmy. They even made a trip out to Garland, where my mom met Jimmy's grandma.

Thanksgiving day:

a lesson in zesting

Grandma Robin's helpers

our Cornish game hen ;)

Watching the parade: "IT'S SANTAAAA!!!!!"

The park was cut short when Elaine caught the football with her mouth. A Popsicle soon followed.

Allan jumped into the picture! :)

(notice Jimmy about to pounce!)

Snuggled up with her grandbabies, watching a movie.
I de-did the scrapbook layouts about Elaine's birth. These are the two pages I've completed so far. Page One. (As always, clicking on the picture will give you a larger view)

Page Two. (about meeting Pam)

Making popcorn to string with cranberries for the tree.

With their church friend, Sean (one of Jimmy's favorite kids from the nursery)

Dec 12th- Elaine trying on her Flower Girl dress for the first time. :) The wedding isn't until February, so there is debate over how soon to alter the dress to fit her perfectly. She's due for a growth spurt. The length is fine, the tummy is fine, just the shoulders seem loose on her back. The bride (Linda) is gonna let us know how soon Jimmy needs to take Elaine for alterations.

Maybe an inch shorter on the back's straps? Not sure.

Still at her uncle Steven's house.

Saturday Dec 12th -Snapshots of Family Fun


That's it! David, you're hired as the official family photographer. You really captured the moment on this one. (notice Allan in the background??) :))

Powdered cookie face of guilt

She kept staring at the fireplace.

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