Things are starting to pick up the pace for the play I am working on. Randal has me re-designing my statues again (one will be more Art Deco). I start carving them out of styrofoam the Monday after Spring Break. I have one week to complete both carvings. They are 8 feet tall and about 2 feet wide.
Tomorrow morning after my physics class and physics lab, I have a Geology Midterm to take. Directly from the midterm, I start painting part of the set for 'Scapino'. We are painting some drops to look like thick curtains. Robert is watching the kids when Jimmy has to leave for work. I'll be painting until Jimmy gets off of work around 11pm. So I'll be on campus about 13 hours tomorrow. I'm packing a lunch and bringing a 'Lean Cuisiene' for Dinner. I'll be painting more on Thursday too, then nothing until after Spring Break.
During spring break, I am gonna finish getting my house in order. The blue room has some boxes that are still waiting to get unpacked. And I want to rake the backyard. Today Robert and Jimmy fixed the ceiling fan in our bedroom. The chain had broken out of it.
A guy that Jimmy works with has a second job at a fish store. The guy said the store was gonna kill a bunch of fish with chlorine because they had too many in stock. The guy brought 4 fish in a small container to Ranchman's to give to Jimmy, because Jimmy has kids. Jimmy tried to politely turn the guy down, but it didn't work. So Jimmy came home from the restaraunt the other night at midnight with 4 pet fish. We didn't have any fishfood or even a good container to move them into. All 4 died within 24 hours. We were literally at Walmart buying a small aquarium for Elaine's fish and returned home to some floaters.
When Elaine saw the floaters she said, "Big Fish naptime upside down"
R-I-P "Big Fish", "Pink Fish", "White Fish" and "Orange Fish" ( time we aren't letting Elaine name them.) Since we already have the food and the aquarium, Jimmy is fetching Elaine some fish this week. She says this time she wants "4 orange fish". These ones have better odds, since we actually have supplies.
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