Monday, March 20, 2006

What's coming soon to a Theatre scene shop near you?

Tickets are on sale as of now, for the play I am working on, "Scapino!". Try the U.N.T. link from this blog to find ticket info, show dates, directions, etc.

I worked in the theatre until 7pm tonight and I'll be in the theatre LATE each night this week and weekend. I got out early tonight because my styrofoam wont arrive til tomorrow afternoon and my next job involves it. Today I designed a dolphin statue, planned it's execution and I drew my other statues at their full-size. I actually drew them too big and I'll have to adjust them tomorrow. :(
I'll post in-progress pics as much as I can.
Jim picked me up and we went to dinner at Ranchman's and to Krogers. Elaine grabbed some brown hairdye and told Jim it was for me. I was in a different eisle when this happened. He told her that Mommy likes Red hair dye. So he found me on the battery eisle and there was already hairdye in the shopping cart for me. I'd been meaning to get around to it (Jimmy was plucking greys out of my pigtails DURING church yesterday morning!).

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