Our check engine light was on, so we went to Garland this last Sunday after church, to use Big Allan's tools. One of the messages that a code reader found was about the gas being low quality, so Jimmy put some gas booster stuff in the tank. Jimmy replaced a spark plug and changed out some fluids and the engine light went away. :) Thank God for easy/cheap fixes.
Today I had to do the mock-interview in my Senior seminar class. I think it went well. The one critique I received was that if I was truly interviewing to get a job painting murals for a church... I should leave the pictures from Cabaret and my 14foot tall nude statues out of the portfolio. Nix anything taboo or nude in general.
I got a 100% on this week's Spanish quiz. All that's left for the class is the final exam. I can complete it any time before next Tuesday. It's gonna take some preparation before I'll be ready for it. It covers the full semester worth of info.
In Statistics, I got a 86% on the Exam I took last Thursday night. I have a 85.25% exam average (which counts as 80% of my grade for the class), and the final is optional. I only have to take the final if I need to boost my overall grade, once homework grades are factored in. I'm waiting to receive back my last homework grade.
There is no Final Exam for my online computer skills class. The professor just gave us time to re-submit any homework we'd like before Thursday. I have one assignment for that class that I intend to work on tomorrow night after work.