Jim's fevers have ended. I went ahead and ordered the Prid salve for the abscess on his head. My friend Cher said that she took one of her teenage kids to the hospital for the exact same thing earlier this year. She was told to let the puss drain and then clean the area with rubbing alcohol to keep it super clean. Then she'd put a bandaid on it. And the abscess was fine after a couple rounds of cleaning and alcohol.
Elaine got her report card yesterday. She is considered 'Developed' in every category. Also, Mrs.Wallace pulled Jimmy aside and said that most of Elaine's classmates are at the 'A' level of reading. Mrs. Wallace went through all the books in the Pre-K (levels A through D) and she could not find a book that would stump Elaine. Elaine could read them all. Jimmy told Mrs.Wallace that the kid's Bible he reads to Elaine is for forth graders, so maybe that's helping.
*Her school portraits also arrived. I'll get on top of mailing them out soon.*
Jim and I went to look at portfolio cases yesterday. We looked at Michaels and Office Max. I didn't want to spend $70 on a portfolio (the binder + the clear page protectors which are sold separately). Instead of a larger portfolio, I bought a nice binder and some 8 1/2"x 11" page protectors. I just have to get the photos of my murals printed.
I missed this meeting that was at our church on Sunday, because Jimmy was sick. So on Monday night I got a call from Sheryl, the lady who is in charge over the Nursery (newborns to potty trained). Sheryl is getting married next week and moving away to Florida in July. She said that my buddy Denise is gonna be the new head of the Nursery volunteers and I have been promoted to the second-in-command. Sheryl said that she and Miss Tina prayed about it and decided that if I was the boss over the nursery, my talents might get trapped in just the nursery ministry. I wouldn't be able to help with the Youth group, like I have in the past.
Denise is gonna do great as the boss! She plans to teach full lessons weekly to the toddlers. I know I'd be a great helper with that, but I don't have the time right now to PLAN weekly lessons for the kiddos.
I have a statistics exam tomorrow night.
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