Monday, January 05, 2009

Allan's Birthday (a day early)

I was off from work today (Sunday), but I work tomorrow evening. So this Sunday was a better day to celebrate Allan's birthday, compared to on his ACTUAL birthday.

The one thing he asked for was a "Transformers cake". This is what I came up with. I didn't want to spend a lot on a cake that was covered in pricey Transformers-themed stuff, when I knew Allan would be easily pleased.
The symbol on the cake was the tag that was on his Transformers PJs. Hooray for resourcefulness. :) He saw it and said "Thank you so much for my Transformer cake, Mommy" Awwwww

Allan's Sunday school teacher gave him the birthday boy crown today. We asked if he was a king or a prince? Allan said, "no, I'm just Allan." I'd ask, but what about the birthday hat? Allan replied, "that's just my crown." He's so low key sometimes! It cracks me up.
Tonight the kids played with playdoh and watched a StarWars movie that was on TV. So they had a pretty good time.

This is when he was about to blow out the candle.

I love how Allan's ears are bent down

During the crazy Christmas sales, I got Allan a new VeggieTale movie (Gideon: the tuba warrior) and a new Wiggles DVD. Each dvd was $5 or less. :)

1 comment:

hebrank said...

I love these pictures that you have taken of the kiddos, could you make me a copy of all of these so I can put them on my computer as a screen saver, Please.
Love you guys