The bug bombing lead to a spring cleaning spurt from Jim & I. I climbed up and vacuumed out all the cabinets. Jim vacuumed up above the cabinets. We've re-washed all the dishes and cooking utensils in the house. I laid down fresh shelf paper in the cabinets.
When I got home from work yesterday, Jim had swept and mopped the kitchen and he had completed the dishes, PLUS made dinner. We've been having pancakes for dinner a lot lately. We have a lot of turkey breakfast sausage in the freezer. It seems like we're in a little bit of a creative slump when it comes to dinner. But he started adding walnuts to the pancakes. They're awesome.
I got a small raise at work. Every day college-aged people approach my counter and ask if we are hiring. It seems like no where is, in Denton, besides the new Carl's Jr. I'm grateful for my job, since I'm getting raises when other people my age can't even find work.
A customer offered me a paying job this week. She is the theatre director at a local high school and wants me to come in to her class as a guest and teach them about makeup application. Like how to do old age makeup, how to use prosthetic latex pieces and all that.
The topic came up because she asked me and my coworker if we were dancers, since we work at a dance store. I told her what my degree is in and that it's from UNT. Turns out, we know a lot of the same people, including her teaching assistant, and my favorite UNT professor. This director said it'd just be a day of work here and there, but the school would pay me for it. I pointed out that I don't have a teaching certificate and the director said that since I'd be lecturing as her guest, it wouldn't matter. I'm excited about it. We have eachother's contact info, so we can talk once her classes begin in the Fall.
I've been sewing a little this week. I made a dress after work the other night. It's a kinda retro look in dark grey. I wanted to do something with this fabric I had around in my office. Funny note: I shouldn't sew when I'm sleepy. I put the dress's left sleeve in upside-down and had to seam-rip and re-sew the sleeve the next day.
Elaine pretended to cut a little dress pattern while I was sewing the dress. She is very curious about the sewing machine. I helped her make a fast tube dress for one of her Barbie dolls out of a scrap of fabric.
this is her pretending to cut a dress pattern.
Tonight, after Bible study, I started a quilt. It has a long way to go.
I talked to my mom today. Mark just got back from California, handling some stuff he had to do with the Navy before he can go back to the war. So he's back now and that's one step closer to getting to go back into active duty. Before he went to California, Mark's car was broken into and then the busted car was towed away. So he's having a rough go of things. I'm sure he'd appreciate everyone's prayers. We've invited my family up for Thanksgiving. They're gonna try to make it happen.