Elaine went to her best friend's birthday party today. On the way home, Jim passed a senior citizen community. The sign out front said someone was celebrating their 104th birthday. Elaine read the sign and asked, "Why aren't they dead?"
Jim was in shock at her curious question, but pulled through by answering "it's all in God's timing". Good job Jimbo!

Jim said all the little girls at the tea party were dressed up, besides the birthday girl. Larissa is a very pragmatic kinda gal and didn't want to look silly. :p Elaine said there were 11 girls there and one of them had been in her pre-k class. She had lots of fun.

In other news, I got antsy and chopped my hair off. I like that it takes no time to wash it now. It usually takes forever for me to rinse all the conditioner out of my hair. This is a breeze.
We made breakfast for dinner again. Jim made turkey bacon and turkey sausage. He made pancake batter and I cooked up the pancakes. Allan wanted to help. He eats pancakes with Honey (which he calls Punny) instead of syrup, so we put Al in charge of the honey. If anyone wants honey on there plate, he distributed it.

Elaine tried to teach Allan how to use his Yo-yo. It was hilarious. He kept swinging it around like a helicopter blade and whacking himself in the neck. That didn't last too long.

Tonight the power supply on Jim's computer burnt out. So he's without a computer for now. He can use my computer, but it can't handle half the stuff that Jim's faster computer can.
Tomorrow morning Jim and the kids might go to this water balloon fight that is happening at the church down the street from us. It's gonna be at 10am, so we'll see if they make it to that.
I'm excited about seeing the Moo on Sunday. I think I'll make peanut butter fudge for the luncheon, since we already have all the ingredients. Sunday night is the kick off party for Elaine's VBS. We'll all attend the party though. There will be a water slide! Elaine loves those... besides her fear of getting her eyes wet. Elaine will have VBS every night this coming week.
1 comment:
Maybe if you can explain to Elaine that our eyes already have water inside (vitreous humor) and outside (aqueous humor) she won't be afraid of getting her eyes wet. They're already wet! :)
I like your scrapbook pages. You're
inspiring me to get back into it.
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