Jim went to pick something out of Elaine's hair and realized that the 'something' was alive. Jim checked Elaine's hair and sure enough she had lice again. (She had lice when she was almost 2). At least we know what to do. We covered her hair in baby oil, which suffocated all the critters it touched. Then we combed out the critters. We also did a wash with the fancy anti-lice shampoo (we still had it from years ago). The eggs are tougher. They really stick to the hair! The only thing we can do for those is use a HOT hair dryer to kill the eggs and they will fall out little by little as we wash her hair. Elaine had lots of lice. Allan only had two. His short hair made them easy to snatch up.

If you click on this first image, it will enlarge. You can't help but see one of the lice. The baby oil in her hair, really makes the lice easy to spot.

**BEFORE Photos**

We spent 2 hours combing out and treating Elaine for the lice. Combing out all the lice was a real pain. We shortened the process, by shortening her hair. Allan and Jim also got preventative haircuts. We don't want any dormant eggs to hatch. I was the only one in the house to have zero eggs or critters in my hair. I think that's amazing, since both the kids cuddle up to me so regularly.

**After picture**
Does Al pal look like E.T.?

Today was my 'day off', but I got called in to work for 3 hours. Another employee didn't show up. Regina had us eat at their church tonight. They were serving breakfast for dinner. The biscuits were awesome. :)
Something that makes me laugh:I took this picture on the way to work one day. The donut shop on the left seems to get the concept of pictures matching descriptions. It says "Donuts" and there is a picture of a Donut. Meanwhile the other restaurant declares "
MEXICAN FOOD Breakfast Lunch Dinner" ... with a picture of a hamburger. Well done art, poor concept.
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