Thursday, May 11, 2006


Last night baby Allan through up (projectile-style) 5 times in 90 minutes. Switching his bottle from Milk to water seemed to make it stop. He hasn't eatten a lot today, but otherwise seemed fine. All smiles and normal energy. Then tonight, he crawled up in my lap in the recliner and he projectile vomited on me, the chair and the carpet (he's got about a 2 foot spray) . I wonder if he's just got a bug or if he's becoming lactose intollerant. Prayers please.
Tonight I got some work done in Jimmy's babybook/family album. I got 4 pages completed (2 -2pg layouts) about visiting Pittsburg Texas in April of 1988. I'll post pictures of these in my scrapbooking gallery. The link is to the right --->
Today we put a mister on top of our trailor in the area that trees don't shade. On hot days we'll turn on the mister to keep the metal rooftop cooler. It'll keep the inside cooler and save us some electricity. Since we are on well water, running the mister is FREE. We are trying to save our energy where we can.
A teenage girl is being trained to cook at the restraunt. The bosses wanted to see if the girl could close up the grill on her own, so Jimmy got out of closing tonight. He got home 2 hours earlier than normal. He's appreciating the down time.

I talked to my mom yesterday. My brother and Berta are still planning to visit next month. I'm pretty excited about seeing them. I think they'll get a kick out of playing with the babies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry that Allan is sick, and I hope he gets better soon.. Sounds like a virus. Love what you have done with the pictures of the boys down at the farm in East Texas.