Friday, September 15, 2006

giving it a shot

Jimmy ordered all my Spanish books from online and they arrived yesterday. (he also meant to order my last Anthrology book- opps). So this weekend, which includes today since I don't have classes on Fridays, I'm gonna give it a shot at catching up on ALL my reading assignments. In a perfect world, I'll even get ahead for the coming school week.

I'm also trying to seriously pottytrain Allan this weekend. He pulled off his diaper again this morning and I had a stinky mess to clean in his room. Now he's wearing his train-themed underwear that Hope got him. My current plan is to sit him on his potty chair EVERY time Elaine goes to the potty. Their metabolisms shouldn't be too different. And seeing Elaine 'go' might help concrete the idea in his mind.

in other news: Our modem crapped out on us more than normal this week, so Jimmy went to replace it. He rented on from Charter for $2 ea. month. Not bad.
Steven gave us a wireless router for my laptop, so Jimmy bought me a thingy to make my computer work with the router. I can use my laptop in any room in the house now. The best reception seems to be the living room, but it works fine in my office too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck in the Potty training department. Looking forward to the pictures of the newly painted living area. Good luck in the reading catching up this weekend

