Monday, December 18, 2006

Is it wierd that I'm so so glad it's Monday?

It's been a long weekend. Saturday afternoon was the baptism class at church, and we had to rush home so Jim could work at 5pm. Saturday night I made Elaine a birthday cake with some boxed mix that I found in the pantry. We ran to the store to fetch some pink icing and Chicken for lunch on Sunday. Jim and I spotted some cheap chocolate cupcakes, so we snagged them too.
I had to finish the charcoal portrait I was making for our Pastor. He intends it to be a Christmas gift for his wife, so I needed to get it to Chuck in time for him to purchase a frame before. So I was up Saturday night until 2am...but even once I was in bed, I couldn't sleep. I dozed off around 3:30 and Elaine woke me up at 4:30, wanting to sleep with us. She did for about 15 minutes, then I carried her back to her bed. After another hour, Allan woke up. I did the normal new diaper/ new bottle routine, but he didn't want to be alone. I sat up and watched a half hour of 'The Fox & The Hound' with Allan, before sneaking back to my bed.
Sunday we all woke up at 8:45 because we had to swing Micah out by his mother's house to feed his goat before church. I was supposed to be at the church at 10:30am to get in my baptism robe, stash my change of clothes, drop off the kids in Sunday school, etc. We gave the Sunday school teacher, Glinda, the chocolate cupcakes for Elaine's class. The majority of Elaine's friends are her church friends (basically everyone but Kaylee). Glinda had the kids sing Happy Birthday and they all got sugared up on chocolate while Jim and I were in the Sanctuary. After communion and the baptisms (there were 7 of us),we headed back to Denton. We let Elaine pick out some goodies at the Dollar general, then we cooked lunch for us and David. Elaine and Dave played with her new playdoh toy. It's one of those things that makes playdoh spagetti and shapes. Jim helped her pick out that one. It was only $3!! Big bang for the buck. So we had our little family birthday party (Elaine's second party of the day).
We kinda had to rush Dave out so we could drop the kids at Trisha and Mike's house for the night. Jim and I were set to chaperone the Others' Christmas Party at Main Event. Main Event has bowling, laser tag, arcade games and Pizza (all paid for by the church for the party). The youth had a good time. Jim taught one guy, Samuel, how to bowl. Then later in laser tag, Samuel was running in the dark (against the rules). He shoved Jim and Jim landed wrong on his leg, hurting it. The refs were too busy flirting with eachother to inforce the rules. Jim left the game area early, very pissed. His leg continued to hurt from landing on it.
Micah had no ride plan set up, so we were the default plan. We picked up the kids from Trisha and brought Micah to our house. Micah's mom came and fetched him from our place (better than her having to fetch him in Lewisville at the Main Event).
Before getting to Trisha's house we joked that our kids would be re-dressed, because she always changes their clothes when she babysits Elaine and Allan. I packed extra clothes in their diaper bag, but sure enough they were changed into new hand-me-down outfits. Trisha is so silly. Trisha also gave us two bags of Christmas gifts that she, her hubby, her aunt & uncle had fetched for our family. It's nice to have such sweet friends. It's our turn to invite them over, since last time the dinner party was at Trisha's we made some loose plans for the week of NewYears.
Trisha also gave Elaine a 'GoDiegoGo' coloring book, because she kept talking about her birthday (when we got home I put the book asside to go in her stocking later). All the presents we've recieved are stashed in my craft room, so they can appear Christmas morning.
We recieved $ from Jim's parents & grandma, to buy the kids some gifts so we're gonna try to do that before the 25th. They are set on toys for the most part, so I'm thinking more practical gifts. I want to get some educational posters for Elaine (like we'd see in an elementary school). She knows her shapes, numbers to 20, colors and such, but I want to help her associate letter sounds with the letters. Also, we are working on her telling time. I think I can find educational borders/posters at Mardels. I hope to get Allan some full-sized sheets to fit their newish bunk bed.
In other news: this afternoon Allan was playing around their rocking chair. He had it tipped on it's side with his leg in between some slats. His leg was bent the wrong way with most his weight on it. I'm so thankful he didn't break it!!! He cried in a way that he hasn't in a long time. He just wanted to be held by me. I called HOpe for advice. His legs were tender. So he'd walk a few steps, get annoyed and fall over. He wasn't crying at all any more, so it's not like PAIN...just annoyed with it feeling wierd. Allan got a little baby Tylenol, some IcyHot and is napping with his legs a little elevated. Hope said this would prevent some swelling. We want him back to normal.

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