Thursday, January 31, 2008


On Monday our Health and Human Services case worker told Jimmy that they didn't receive all the forms I mailed to them. They say they just received one of the forms, BUT I mailed all the forms in one envelope together!!

So, unless our caseworker finds the paperwork around their office, I have to gather together all the paperwork again. I'm looking around my office to see what I have duplicates of.

They need proof of my income again, proof of Jim's income again, documentation about our loans from Jim's parents, copies of our bank statements. Our case worker said that instead of filling out the same form all over again, my boss can just type up a letter that says how much I'm paid, how often and since October. Rick spent about an hour doing the paperwork for this before, so I really hate that I have to ask him to take time for this again.
We haven't had foodstamps for the whole month of January. Buying the groceries this month cost 2 weeks of my pay.
I'm frustrated about the further delay with the foodstamps. No one is going hungry here, but it's hard to pay back debts when we're squeaking by. It's so frustrating.

My bosses hired another girl at work. Her name is Christina. Now I don't work on Tuesdays or Thursdays any more because Christina is there. And I'll get to come in to work at Noon instead of 9:30am this coming Saturday. I'm happy that I will have more time at home, because I'll need the time to get all my homework done.

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