7 inches of snow... and counting! (In March!?!?!)
It sleeted for two hours this morning, then stopped. On the way to my class around noon it started to lightly sleet. Then ten minutes into class, it began to snow. Jim called me in class to warn me that the snow is sticking on the ground. A few of the students (including myself) received text messages from UNT letting us know that campus (all the offices, classrooms and libraries) will close at 2pm. My class let out at 2pm and Jimmy very slowly drove us home. My night class at NCTC was also canceled (an exam!!), so I was able to play with the kids in the snow instead of studying for tonight. Steven called us and said that Denton is supposed to get up to 10 inches of snow tonight. It's 36 degrees right now.
I talked to Regina a few times this afternoon. Rick and she shut down the store 3 hours early today, because they were afraid they wouldn't be able to get home once the snow continues. They are gonna call me about any special work schedule that might happen tomorrow. 

Jim and I made a snowman on the deck. Then elaine added the "ears" and "hands" for it to be poohbear. I sent Jim into the house to find something for eyes, and he came back with lids from jars.

Elaine behind me is looking pretty aggressive with that snowball. I wonder if Allan was standing behind me, below Elaine. Hmmm?

My very deep footprint.
Our back yard.
I made about a quart of hot cocoa to warm everyone up. By the way, Allan dressed himself this morning, including picking out his clothes. He didn't care what we layered on him as long as he could keep on the Maui shirt. When he first walked in wearing it this morning, it was on upside down. :)
Elaine had picture day again at school today. They were just supposed to take the large class photo. But from her description, it sounds like they also took individual photos.
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