Friday, October 10, 2008

Parent/Teacher conference and Costumes at work

I realized that it's been 5 days since Jim's parent/teacher conference with Miss Monroe and he had not blogged about it. I wasn't there. But I will fill yall in from what Jim told me. He said that the poster for 'the pledge to the earth' was put away during their meeting. At first he thought this might mean that the whole pledge thing was over. But, Elaine has since told us that the class still says the pledge with the poster. Elaine says she does not say it, but the class does.
I wrote MIss Monroe a letter that listed all the things about Halloween that we choose not to expose Elaine to. This included:
witches spells magic
abominations (Frankenstein's monster)
the undead (vampires, zombies & whatnot).

Jim said Miss Monroe was super receptive to the list. She also said that the school as changed which pumpkin patch that the kids go to because there were complaints last year about the old pumpkin patch. Jim is considering letting Elaine attend the feild trip this year.
Wednesday Jim got a call from Miss Monroe. She said that the class is gonna start a new type of homework. The kids are taking home books on Mondays and have to read them during the week and take a little quiz about the books. They get points for passing the quiz and they can use these points to buy prizes in the school "store". With all that said, Miss Monroe isn't gonna have Elaine do this same homework. She said that all the books in the series are beneath Elaine's abilities. Instead Elaine will get a workbook to take home and complete. Jim thinks that it will be similar to the homeschool workbooks that we have Elaine complete for fun. -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Jim heard from Miss Monroe that Hodge Elementary has discontinued their 'Head start' program (aka Pre-K)! Instead they will have another ESL class. If anyone needs Pre-K to get them ready for Kindergarten, it's Allan. I'm frustrated. So now Allan wont get to go to Pre-K unless we drive him almost to Argyle. That seems SO inconvienant since Pre-K is a half-day and we'd have to drop him off and pick him up.

Allan is speaking more and making more sense, but he's struggling to learn his letters. He can sing the alphabet song and recite how to spell his name. But he can't spot an 'A' or any other letter.
He's better with colors, but struggling with shapes.

We've started the October rush at work. We have to either wear our lime green uniforms, so customers know who are employees, OR we can wear a costume at work. So far, I've worn a poodle skirt a couple times and been a convict (orange jumpsuit, etc). I'll try to take pictures of the rest of the costumes I wear. This should be funny in the scrapbook.
Jenn as super girl sweeping at work.

Me wearing a blond mullet wig in the convict jumpsuit.

One of my faux tattoos. I used Mehron's Paradise makeup to do the tattoos.

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