Thursday, October 16, 2008

what i'm up to.

Jim's out doing his paper route now. He took Robert along with him, to keep him awake and help count out the papers for each stop. Jim made "birds in a blanket" for dinner for himself and the kids. He took Turkey Hotdogs and made dough to wrap them in, like pigs in a blanket.

We heard back from the church that the church's benevolence account for this month has already been emptied and that "if you have any other options you should try them." I think Jim is gonna call our options for help tomorrow while I'm at work.

Today, on the way to drop me at work, Jim swung us by the Health and Human Services office. I hopped out of the van and picked up a new application form. The basic application form was in a hige stack in the lobby.
I know we also need this form called a 1049 (because Jim is technically a self-employed driver who works contract for the paper route), but there was a huge line and I couldn't wait in the line to get the form I needed. I'm now looking online to see if I can find a version to print out for myself. I talked to Rick at work. He said for me to let him know if he needs to sign anything or do any paperwork related to verifying my income for Foodstamps.

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