Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

We woke up around 10am and watched part of the Macy's parade, while beginning to cook side dishes. By 11am, Lainey and I had green bean casserole and sweet potatoes in the oven cooking. So we made eggs and sausage on the stove top for breakfast. Jim joined us for breakfast, then went to volunteer feeding people at a soup kitchen for a few hours. He got back around 3pm and by 4pm we were done eating Thanksgiving. Everything was tasty, low-key and mellow. We watched some football, took naps and rented Toy Story 3 to watch with the kids.

 Mashing sweet potatoes

Allan woke up a little later than Elaine and I. Al wrapped himself up in Elaine's blanket to stay warm. Then he inspected our cooking instruments.

Kids snacked on oranges while they waited for things to cook.

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