After the party, we went to lunch with the Mathews family and their extended family. Since we all go to church together, we know all the extended family and serve with them in different volunteer duties around our church. An uncle is a minister at our church, an aunt works around the office area, etc. We ate at Cici's Pizza. Elaine didn't want any pizza, just "leaves" (salad). Allan ate lots of garlic bread.
By now, it was 2ish and we had plans to go to a dinner party at The Mathew's house at 5pm, so we rushed home for Allan and Jimmy to grab naps. By 5pm we were back with the Mathews clan.
We are trying to get to know eachother. Jimmy works with both Trisha and Mike Mathews out in the K4C (kids for Christ) and I serve with Trisha in the church nursery. After dinner (mmm Lasagna) we played Dominoes for a few hours and took care of all the kids (between us there are five kids). It made for a long day, but we got to bond more with some great people. I've been telling Jimmy he needs more freiends his own age...and I've been saying that about myself since I had Elaine. When we can afford to, we'll invite all 5 of the Mathews over to our place for a dinner/dominoes night.

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