I'm exhausted...but I have bad and good news to share.
I'm still tired from Thanksgiving 'break'. I didn't get nearly enough of my textbooks read, preparing for research papers and final exams. When Jimmy picked me up from nightschool yesterday he had to pour water into the coolant resevoir because there is a leak in a hose. We found the leak and Jimmy went early today to purchase more hose for a replacement. He and I both tried, but we can't get the hose loose from the socket it's stuck inside. *see picture* I called my dad for ideas and emailed him pictures of what I was talking about, in case my language wasn't clear. He said we need cable lock pliers to clamp down and wiggle the hose loose from the socket. He said there is welding go-juice (my term not his) in the socket trying to hold the hose in place, so we have to work it up & down, side to side to work it loose. I thought we had that type of pliers, but Jim says there were borrowed. So we need to re-borrow or rent some pliers to get the job done. For now, we have gallons of water in the backseat because Jim has to be in Lewisville within the hour. He has a computer to go repair at Lewisville Massage. He's worked for them before. They go to our church.
Speaking of work, after we went for our WIC re-cert yesterday, Jimmy went to drop off an application at Cracker Barrel because the classifieds said they were looking for full or part time cooks, to work eveneings or mornings or weekends... that's the kind of flexibilty that could work around my school schedule! Two men form Cracker Barrel interviewed Jimmy on the spot and hired him immediately. He starts training Friday afternoon. It's the Cracker Barrel in Denton, like 10 minutes from our house. Jim's college roommate use to be a waiter there. The men told Jimmy that the schedules are very flexible. Since they mainly hire college students, schedules get re-shuffled at the beginning of each semester to accomodate. He asked for a certain amount of pay on his application, and it wasn't questioned in the interview, so Jim thinks he'll be paid close to that. The plan is for him to quit the Thrifty Nickel which he hates so much. He'd like to stay at the Elk's lodge for as long as the jobs don't conflict...giving the Elk's time to replace him if Cracker Barrel is a good fit.
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