Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I got some grades back

I got an 82% on my History of the Renaissance midterm. I think the TA deducted more points than he should have. He said that my essy about Valla sounded like a "confused answer" but Valla himself was confused. Even Valla never had a conclusion to whether human's have free will or not, so of coarse it sounds like circular logic in my essay about him. Grr ~ But it's still a B.

I got an 86% on my Anthropology of American Culture midterm. It was a downer though, because online it says my grade is 91%... I had to hunt and find that it's 91 out of 105 possible points, which is how I figure it's really an 86. ~ another B.

To remind yall, I got an 89% on my Child Development midterm and I STILL haven't recieved my midterm back for Sociology. I kinda expect B's across the board now.
I talked to my mom this week. She and Mark Jr. are still coming for Thanksgiving in a couple weeks. Dave called to make sure he was invited to the festivities, since it is creeping up so fast. Of coarse Jimmy's brother is welcome! Our siblings will get to meet, which is cool.

I cleaned most of my office today. I still have a junk box to sort sometime, but it's not a pressing issue. I have research papers to write and the clutter was making me batty... I kept getting distracted. I checked 10 books out of the library for my history research paper, so I'm gonna be reading a LOT this week/weekend.

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