Hope has been busy at her knitting needles off and on this weekend, so I pulled out my crochet hook to play with her scraps while we chat. I just played and roughed out the solid purple flowers. And then later tonight I added in the lighter yarn for fun. I think I still have a lot to learn (especially on the little one). But it kept my hands busy while we chatted.

We've only left the house to fetch groceries (besides Jimmy working). So we've been eatting lots of good food, watching lots of tennis & hockey, and goofing off with the kiddos. Earlier today Hope and I went through pictures for Jim's babybook and used sticky notes to label people I don't know, from Jim's childhood.
It's my turn working in the church nursery tomorrow, so my family is going to church in the morning and then we're eatting lunch with Jimmy before he goes to work. He's been working MOST of the time Scott and Hope have been here. At least they are getting to see the kiddos, Dave and I.
Oh, this reminds me. I have the red flower you asked me to make for you. I've had it for a while, but I just aven't seen you in so long. I can still mail it to you if you like, or we can keep waiting until we see each other again.
Jimmy and I will get out to Garland as soon as time allows. He worked all yesterday and works at 5pm today. So we only had a few hours with him after church today. Don't worry about postage. We'll see you soon enough. Thanks though. I remembered the red rose when I was seeing if I could make roses last night. They are a little deformed, but fun. :)
Hello Liss,
I can't find your email and wanted to send you a note. Drop me a line when you have a chance.
I love the crochet rose, it is really pretty.
Love to all,
Aunt Beckie
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