Friday, January 26, 2007


Yes, I got registered for Midland on Monday (the last day possible) and paid for the tuition. It cost $100 more than I expected, but is using ALL the same textbooks from last semester. So the universe is balancing out. Praise God. The first reading assignment will be announced later today. Yes classes at Midland began on the 16th, but they leave time for people to add the class and purchase books. **I saw a UNT theatre buddy the other day, who was also taking the same class at Midland last semester. He has to take it again. He's like me, where he'll need four semesters of foriegn language. :( Poor guy.

My design instructor, Jesse, is TOO laid back. He doesn't clearly explain projects. At the begining of class he reads a barebones assignment sheet to the class and then says "did anyone bring any CDs?". Me and half the class end up trying to re-read the assignment sheet and figure out what he truly wants us to turn in.
When leaving after class on Thursday last week, Jesse said "Bring trash next time", then when I read ahead on the syllabus, it talked about a found-objects sculpture. Found objects are not the same as Trash. A found object could be a paperclip, clasp, buckle, etcetera. Not neccesarily things to be thrown away. Anywho I brought junk to class like oldnewspaper, magazines, broken toys from the kids' toybox. From the assignment sheet, we thought we had to construct 15 boxes out of junk (like hotgluing together crayons). Like 5 of us spent the entire class time coming up with ideas of things that when glued together would make clean shapes. We kept asking Jesse questions and he kept giving us answers like "do what fees right" and "I don't want to put limits on your creativity." Then in the last 5 minutes the instructor (who had listened to our ENTIRE conversation) gets all huffy and finally goes to the chalkboard and says "Well I THOUGHT I was a good communicator, but it seems that some of you still don't grasp what we are doing here."
The project is actually to make 15 shapes out of paper. Glue or screw these shapes together. And then replicate this mock-up with found objects. But instead of like gluing crayons together to make a perfect cube...the instructor said "a babydoll could represent a cube". So a bunch of us were frustrated that he let us get so far off track.
In 6 class periods, we are assigned 6 projects. So they require some work outside of class. I am one of the few who completed all the early assignments before moving on to this found objects challenge. So a bunch of my classmates are gonna have to backtrack over the weekend and get EVERYTHING finished. We all work better at home than in Jesse's class, but he takes attendance, so we can't miss the madness.

I ran into Mario on Wednesday in the theatre. He was glad that I finally got registered for THEA 4920 on the previous Friday. As far as I can tell it's a hands-on situation very much like a job I would have in the real working theatre (un-paid, but beneficial experience to have under my belt). I'm assigned to work on "Three Penny Opera" later in the semester as their official Scenic Artist, but from Mario I learned that they will also need my help on the show preceeding 3Penny. The designer on the first play, my buddy Ashley, is replicating 8 huge movie posters and Mario thinks she'll need some assistance with those. Sounds good to me. I'm most comfortable painting when I am replicating someone else's design. Mario also said that I will be supervising painters when Ashley is juggling her other designer duties. Paint calls for both shows will be during the afternoon on normal weekdays, which is GREAT timing for us. I get out of Design class at noon and Jim works typically at 5pm, so I'd already be on campus and could paint for 4 hours on Tuesday/Thursday. Wednesdays and Fridays I couldn't paint unless Jim missed work. But both of us are Free Mondays.
We already have a schedule conflict for the semester. I have class on Teusday and Thursday and Jimmy is scheduled to work at the exact same time. On Tuesday it's our first TEST, so I can't skip. :( We're gonna call church friends to see if they could help.

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