Thursday, May 31, 2007
Elaine helped make Pancakes for Dinner on Tues
Monday, May 28, 2007
"What's gonna work? Teamwork" -the wonderpets
This afternoon wanted to make the most out of the leftovers in the fridge (cooked ground beef, 1/2 cup peas, 1/2 onion, cheese, etc). I made some sheperd's pie. :) Then I thought about what was in the pantry that we hadn't used in a while so I made some chocolate chip cookies. Some burned, but most were okay. Since the meat in the shepherd's pie is the fatty type that makes me cramp, I can't eat that. But it's good for Jim and the kiddos. I did two loads of dishes, swept the kitchen (want to mop later), did a load of laundry, picked up the living room... just kinda puttering around doing what needs doing. I don't mind doing the majority or all of the housework, as long as everyone is pulling their own weight too. Gotta do what needs doing. If there is a need, fill it. Ug. I'm exhausted.
Later tonight I gotta start my painting for the church. I keep getting sidetracked. Also, I'm gonna look again into how a BFA degree would differ from a BA. I'm on the track for a BA, which needs four semesters of Spanish. But a BFA only needs two semesters of Spanish. I know I'd have to take specific upper level career-driven classes, but maybe I can make that work. Gonna look it all over and see if switching to a BFA plan would get me out of college sooner. Maybe a year instead of 18 months?? I can hope.
pink puck
After watching some Disney channel with Elaine, Dave ran me over to the Piggly Wiggly. On the way, Dave swung by this Tire place that *SHOCK* was open the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. They'd only charge $20 for a used tire for the Van. So after dropping off the milk, bread and babywipes, Dave and I backtracked to the Tire place with the blown out original tire in the trunk. The tire guys were able to find a close enough match. I paid with some of my cash from selling my textbooks at the end of the semester.
When we got back to the house, Jim (who had been watching the kiddos) put the Used tire on the van.
We made it to Dave's hockey game this afternoon. He was playing very aggressively and then late in the game, he was in a FIGHT on the rink!! It was great. This other guy was being a moron, picking a fight. But the moron kept whining so it was Dave who ended up in the penalty box. I looked around, but Jill didn't bring her camera either. :)) During the fight, Elaine yelled "Go Dave Go" and some time during the game , Allan yelled "Dave Hockey Go" or something like that.
After the game, Jim took the back rows out of the van and the boys fetched some furniture from Dave's storage unit. Elaine played with her hockey gear in the kitchen. I got some photos. She kept yelling "Goal" when she'd shoot puck. But I think she had at least two targets she was aiming for. Oh! and hilariously, she doesn't enunciate "hockey STick". It sounds like something more crude, but it's hard not to laugh.
In other news: Tonight Allan was walking around saying "Potty" so I asked Elaine to open the bathroom door, so Allan could sit on his potty. They were both in there for a few minutes and Allan brought a dry diaper to his Daddy wanting a new diaper. Jim yelled at Allan for having no diaper ON, because he didn't know Allan was in the middle of a potty training lesson. I cheered Allan back up, giving him a watergun to play with. I just was in the kids' bathroom and saw that Allan actually went in his lil potty chair. *horrah* It's been a while.
I'm hopeful that it's a good sign that he said "Potty" and actually followed it up with really using the potty... not just sitting there playing with the flush button (which repeats "Nice Job, Way to go").
I moved around some bedroom furniture tonight. I think I'm gonna clean out my closet tomorrow.
When we got back to the house, Jim (who had been watching the kiddos) put the Used tire on the van.
We made it to Dave's hockey game this afternoon. He was playing very aggressively and then late in the game, he was in a FIGHT on the rink!! It was great. This other guy was being a moron, picking a fight. But the moron kept whining so it was Dave who ended up in the penalty box. I looked around, but Jill didn't bring her camera either. :)) During the fight, Elaine yelled "Go Dave Go" and some time during the game , Allan yelled "Dave Hockey Go" or something like that.
After the game, Jim took the back rows out of the van and the boys fetched some furniture from Dave's storage unit. Elaine played with her hockey gear in the kitchen. I got some photos. She kept yelling "Goal" when she'd shoot puck. But I think she had at least two targets she was aiming for. Oh! and hilariously, she doesn't enunciate "hockey STick". It sounds like something more crude, but it's hard not to laugh.
In other news: Tonight Allan was walking around saying "Potty" so I asked Elaine to open the bathroom door, so Allan could sit on his potty. They were both in there for a few minutes and Allan brought a dry diaper to his Daddy wanting a new diaper. Jim yelled at Allan for having no diaper ON, because he didn't know Allan was in the middle of a potty training lesson. I cheered Allan back up, giving him a watergun to play with. I just was in the kids' bathroom and saw that Allan actually went in his lil potty chair. *horrah* It's been a while.
I'm hopeful that it's a good sign that he said "Potty" and actually followed it up with really using the potty... not just sitting there playing with the flush button (which repeats "Nice Job, Way to go").
I moved around some bedroom furniture tonight. I think I'm gonna clean out my closet tomorrow.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
The drama never ends
After Micah's graduation and hanging with his extended family for about 4 hours, all four of us needed naps. Resting in the afternoon threw off our sleep schedules. Jim and I were up til about 4am last night. I hit the snooze button 3times before getting up for church. Ever notice that the pull of gravity is stronger next to a comfy bed? Anyways, on the way to church our Van's tire had a blow out. Jim put the spare on, but the spare is also not great. So we just turned back and went home. Now we gotta figure how we're gonna get a replacement tire (possibly buy a used one since they are cheaper).But with it being Sunday and Memorial Day weekend, we have few options about which automotive places are even open. So for now we are stuck here. Dave is in town for Hockey, so I may see if he'll run me to the store to grab milk and babywipes, in case we go a little bit without the Van having a dependable tire.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Friday, May 25, 2007
Looks like an allergy to me
Thursday, May 24, 2007
She wanted to go to School today
Carseat kiddos
She was scared of this big boy
Jim has an interview tomorrow with Charter for a position as a service technician. (Wow, I just learned it takes me 5 tries before spell check likes how I spell 'Technician', lol). We'd love for him to get this job. He'd make enough for us to really get back on our feet and save for the future. Plus, he'd only work Monday-Friday, so it wouldn't interfere with church. So pray with us that he is offered this position.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
From the 1947 text called "Sex today in wedded life" by Dr. Podolsky. I thought you all would get a kick out of pages 236 and 237. They are as follows:
10 Commandments for wives
1) Don't bother your husband with petty troubles and complaints when he comes home from work.
2 )Be a good listener. Let him tell you his troubles; yours will seem trivial in comparison.
3 )Remember your most important job is to build up and maintain his ego (which gets bruised plenty in business). Morale is a woman's business.
4) Let him relax before dinner and discuss family problems after the "inner man" has been satisfied.
5) Always remember he's male and marital relations promote harmony. Have sane views about sex.
6) No man likes a wife who is always tired out. Conserve your energy so you can give him the companionship he craves.
7) Never hold up your husband to ridicule in the presence of others. If you must criticize do so privately and without anger.
8) Remember a man is only a grown up boy. He needs mothering and enjoys it if not piled on too thick.
9) Don't live beyond your means, or add to your husband's financial burdens.
10) Don't try to boss him around. Let him think he wears the pants.
10 Commandments for Husbands
1) Remember your wife wants to be treated as your sweetheart...always.
2) Remember her birthdays and your wedding anniversaries.
3) Bring her some gift every week, no matter how inexpensive it may be. (It's not the price, it's the thought.)
4) Don't take love for granted. Don't "ration" your kisses. Being a woman, she wants you to woo her.
5) Respect her privacy.
6) Always be tender, kind and considerate even under trying circumstances.
7) Don't be stingy with money; be a generous provider.
8) Compliment her new dress, hair-do, cooking etc.
9) Always greet her with a kiss, especially when other people are around.
10) Remember marriage is a 50-50 proposition and you are not the majority stock holder.
10 Commandments for wives
1) Don't bother your husband with petty troubles and complaints when he comes home from work.
2 )Be a good listener. Let him tell you his troubles; yours will seem trivial in comparison.
3 )Remember your most important job is to build up and maintain his ego (which gets bruised plenty in business). Morale is a woman's business.
4) Let him relax before dinner and discuss family problems after the "inner man" has been satisfied.
5) Always remember he's male and marital relations promote harmony. Have sane views about sex.
6) No man likes a wife who is always tired out. Conserve your energy so you can give him the companionship he craves.
7) Never hold up your husband to ridicule in the presence of others. If you must criticize do so privately and without anger.
8) Remember a man is only a grown up boy. He needs mothering and enjoys it if not piled on too thick.
9) Don't live beyond your means, or add to your husband's financial burdens.
10) Don't try to boss him around. Let him think he wears the pants.
10 Commandments for Husbands
1) Remember your wife wants to be treated as your sweetheart...always.
2) Remember her birthdays and your wedding anniversaries.
3) Bring her some gift every week, no matter how inexpensive it may be. (It's not the price, it's the thought.)
4) Don't take love for granted. Don't "ration" your kisses. Being a woman, she wants you to woo her.
5) Respect her privacy.
6) Always be tender, kind and considerate even under trying circumstances.
7) Don't be stingy with money; be a generous provider.
8) Compliment her new dress, hair-do, cooking etc.
9) Always greet her with a kiss, especially when other people are around.
10) Remember marriage is a 50-50 proposition and you are not the majority stock holder.
Got the Pants added in today
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Forgot about an A
Somehow I forgot that I also took that 'Cooperative Eduction in Theatre' credit this semester. That long name translates to me painting for 'Three Penny Opera' and 'The Cripple of Innishman'. Anyhow, that is another 'A' that I got this spring semester, that I hadn't reported to yall when talking about my grades. That brings my current UNT GPA to a 3.250
"Boo" (Halloween 1989)
Like my family, Jimmy's family celebrated Halloween when he was growing up. I found these photos of Hope, Scott and the boys and saw them as an excuse to use some of the Halloween-themed scrapbooking stuff I have accumulated.
My family with Jim opts to celebrate "Happy Hallelujah" (basically getting candy because God created the seasons and all things). But I thought it was more accurate to go ahead and use true Halloween decorations for a layout about Jimmy's childhood.
Our internet has been unreliable for about 10 days. We had a few days of the internet working in 20 minute spurts a few hours apart. But predominately the internet had zero connectivity. Dave and Jimmy looked under the trailer on Sunday and saw a jumbled mess of wires. It was hard to tell which wires went to what and there seemed to be a lot of unexplained redundancy. Today a service technician from Charter came out and looked under the trailer. The extra cables were acting like an antennae interfering with the internet connection. The technician and Jimmy got things spliced and simplified. The guy, Corey, talked while the boys worked on the problem. He said that Charter is interviewing for an entry-level technician and that Jim should apply online. Corey said that the job is about $10 an hour to start but after 6 months, there is a written test to qualify for a 20% raise. The job would come with free internet, free cellphone, free cable tv, and a company vehicle. Jimmy did the application as soon as the internet was re-connected. We're praying that he gets called for an interview. He's applied at a couple places but hasn't been called for an interview yet.
I'm all set at UNT for summer school. I'm taking that costume class that I need to graduate. I am impatiently waiting on my official degree plan to come in the mail from UNT. I want to receive it and set a meeting with an academic adviser from the Department of Arts and Sciences to plan out an EXACT map of which classes I need to graduate. I've been keeping track of everything and all the rules as best as I can. But I want to check on rules that are in the fine print, etc.
BAD NEWS: I intended to take Spanish 3 and possibly Spanish 4 this summer online from Midland College. I went online to register for the class and look into how much tuition will be. Spanish THREE isn't offered online (or in person for that matter) this summer. Just Spanish 1 & 2 are offered this summer. And the Fall schedule at Midland hasn't been published yet. So I can't register for the class at all yet. So that leaves me ONLY taking the UNT costume class this summer. I want to graduate Christmas 2008!!! I gotta sit with an academic adviser and see how all the timing is gonna work out. I'm P.O.'d that I can't take Spanish this summer and get ahead.
If Jim is hired for a standard day-job, I wont have childcare while I am in costume class for 5 hours, Mon-Thurs. Hope and Scott have offered to have the kids for a month-long visit this summer, if it'll help me with Summer school. I'm still debating the pros and cons of letting the kids visit some of their grandparents. I think I'll go a little nutty if I don't see them for a month, but I know Hope would do a good job of keeping me updated about the kids milestones. One positive aspect is that with the kids in Florida I could stay late on campus doing costume research in the library or sewing in the costume design laboratory whenever it is necessary without worrying about not having childcare for the kids. I'm still thinking it over. It all depends on which job Jimmy is hired at.
In less eventful news: I rearranged the furniture in my office. The broken recliner has been put out by the curb. The desks have been flipped to another wall, making a large 'L', and I moved a twin mattress into the room. It's nice to have somewhere soft to sit and watch my TV, after giving the recliner the boot. We also re-arranged the living room furniture and put Jim's computer desk in the living room. So now Jimmy can interact with all of us while he is tinkering on his computer. A bonus is that we can see the TV from the kitchen now, so cooking dinner or doing dishes does not mean missing our tv program.
I'm trying to think of anything else new.... hmmm....
My pastor okay'd the design I have for the church painting. I bought some supplies today and will start the painting later this week, after completing Dave's hockey drawing.
Oh! almost forgot to tell yall. I've started grinding my teeth in my sleep. I looked it up on WebMD. Seems like I am doing everything I can to help. I don't drink caffeine late at night any more and today I bought a night mouth guard. Berta grinds her teeth, so I wonder if it is an inherited trait...or if it's solely stress-induced. I dunno. But I'm giving the mouth guard a try. I think that's everything.
nope. Forgot to tell yall, Micah graduates from High School this coming Saturday. So we are going to that.
I'm all set at UNT for summer school. I'm taking that costume class that I need to graduate. I am impatiently waiting on my official degree plan to come in the mail from UNT. I want to receive it and set a meeting with an academic adviser from the Department of Arts and Sciences to plan out an EXACT map of which classes I need to graduate. I've been keeping track of everything and all the rules as best as I can. But I want to check on rules that are in the fine print, etc.
BAD NEWS: I intended to take Spanish 3 and possibly Spanish 4 this summer online from Midland College. I went online to register for the class and look into how much tuition will be. Spanish THREE isn't offered online (or in person for that matter) this summer. Just Spanish 1 & 2 are offered this summer. And the Fall schedule at Midland hasn't been published yet. So I can't register for the class at all yet. So that leaves me ONLY taking the UNT costume class this summer. I want to graduate Christmas 2008!!! I gotta sit with an academic adviser and see how all the timing is gonna work out. I'm P.O.'d that I can't take Spanish this summer and get ahead.
If Jim is hired for a standard day-job, I wont have childcare while I am in costume class for 5 hours, Mon-Thurs. Hope and Scott have offered to have the kids for a month-long visit this summer, if it'll help me with Summer school. I'm still debating the pros and cons of letting the kids visit some of their grandparents. I think I'll go a little nutty if I don't see them for a month, but I know Hope would do a good job of keeping me updated about the kids milestones. One positive aspect is that with the kids in Florida I could stay late on campus doing costume research in the library or sewing in the costume design laboratory whenever it is necessary without worrying about not having childcare for the kids. I'm still thinking it over. It all depends on which job Jimmy is hired at.
In less eventful news: I rearranged the furniture in my office. The broken recliner has been put out by the curb. The desks have been flipped to another wall, making a large 'L', and I moved a twin mattress into the room. It's nice to have somewhere soft to sit and watch my TV, after giving the recliner the boot. We also re-arranged the living room furniture and put Jim's computer desk in the living room. So now Jimmy can interact with all of us while he is tinkering on his computer. A bonus is that we can see the TV from the kitchen now, so cooking dinner or doing dishes does not mean missing our tv program.
I'm trying to think of anything else new.... hmmm....
My pastor okay'd the design I have for the church painting. I bought some supplies today and will start the painting later this week, after completing Dave's hockey drawing.
Oh! almost forgot to tell yall. I've started grinding my teeth in my sleep. I looked it up on WebMD. Seems like I am doing everything I can to help. I don't drink caffeine late at night any more and today I bought a night mouth guard. Berta grinds her teeth, so I wonder if it is an inherited trait...or if it's solely stress-induced. I dunno. But I'm giving the mouth guard a try. I think that's everything.
nope. Forgot to tell yall, Micah graduates from High School this coming Saturday. So we are going to that.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Hockey Allan
Inspiration is everything
Hockey glove and jersey top
Hockey Drawing Start
I cleaned out the trunk that I keep my large artwork in. I found this pencil line sketch of Dave's hockey gear that I drew back in 2003 . I decided that Dave might want it, since it's obviously his gear in the picture (says "Brank" and #9). So I started shading in the drawing with charcoal to make it more like my nicer pictures. This is how I found the drawing:
Monday, May 14, 2007
Cabinet -AFTER
mother's day
At church they gave all the mothers carnations for Mother's Day. I picked a pink one. Chuck said that since it was mother's day, we'd take measurements for the painting another day. I really want to get cracking on it, since he approved my design. I just don't have the exact size decided yet. Allan colored in a picture of Jesus for me and Elaine made me three mother's day cards. I think she thinks it was my birthday.
Another funny Elaine moment. I was painting today and she came in to the living room and said, "You and me are girls. We can do anything! And boys can't do anything." Jimmy and I cracked up laughing. I asked, "Where did you hear that?" And she said, "From you" and pointed at Jimmy. :)
Another funny Elaine moment. I was painting today and she came in to the living room and said, "You and me are girls. We can do anything! And boys can't do anything." Jimmy and I cracked up laughing. I asked, "Where did you hear that?" And she said, "From you" and pointed at Jimmy. :)
Mother's Day Injury
Dave came over after church yesterday. I cooked up some oven pizzas, salad and garlic bread. I was carving the garlic bread and looked up to hear something Dave was saying on the phone, and I carved into my thumb!!
I grabbed some paper towels and did the whole Aloe & Bandaid routine after holding my hand above my body for 30 minutes to get the bleeding to stop. The cut is right above my thumbnail. It's tender and throbs whenever I bump it. Jim says my red/black nailpolish makes it looks worse than it is...but I'm not gonna get nailpolish remover any where near the injury.
I grabbed some paper towels and did the whole Aloe & Bandaid routine after holding my hand above my body for 30 minutes to get the bleeding to stop. The cut is right above my thumbnail. It's tender and throbs whenever I bump it. Jim says my red/black nailpolish makes it looks worse than it is...but I'm not gonna get nailpolish remover any where near the injury.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
David's 12th Birthday -pg 1
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Final Final
Today was my final for Design. I felt okay about it, since I stared at flashcards all morning. The test was over all these random facts about different sculptors. Who made the Vietnam Memorial? Who served in the Peace Corps for two years before moving to Scandinavia? Seriously, that's what the questions were like. Anywho, I just checked my grade online and discovered I earned a 97% on the final exam today and a 98% for the semester overall grade.
Final Tally for the semester
Spanish 2 B
Design 2 lecture A
Design 2 lab A
Nutrition C
Personal Development B
I sold back two textbooks today and got $55. I'm really glad we bought them on in the first place. I only paid $80 for the two brand new books at the beginning of the semester and got a lot of that back today. (Typical buy-back price is 1/3 of the original value).
Today Jimmy applied for a job cooking at UNT. No word yet.
Our pastor, Chuck, asked me to paint something for the main entryway of the church's sanctuary. I emailed him my preliminary sketches today and he "loved" them. Lots of good feedback. Sounds like we are gonna take some measurements on Sunday and I'm gonna get cracking on this painting. :) I think that's it for now. TTYL
Final Tally for the semester
Spanish 2 B
Design 2 lecture A
Design 2 lab A
Nutrition C
Personal Development B
I sold back two textbooks today and got $55. I'm really glad we bought them on in the first place. I only paid $80 for the two brand new books at the beginning of the semester and got a lot of that back today. (Typical buy-back price is 1/3 of the original value).
Today Jimmy applied for a job cooking at UNT. No word yet.
Our pastor, Chuck, asked me to paint something for the main entryway of the church's sanctuary. I emailed him my preliminary sketches today and he "loved" them. Lots of good feedback. Sounds like we are gonna take some measurements on Sunday and I'm gonna get cracking on this painting. :) I think that's it for now. TTYL
Tuesday, May 08, 2007

I got a B avg. in Spanish 2 !!!!
The final exam was due online Tuesday at midnight, but I took the test tonight because I felt I was as ready as I was gonna get. I just needed a 75 to qualify to take the next level of Spanish, so I'm happy that I outdid myself.
I only have my Design 2 lecture final standing between me and some down time. I gotta look into when the next level of Spanish begins. I'd like to take it in the summer to keep me on time for graduation. My other summer class doesn't begin until late July.
I only have my Design 2 lecture final standing between me and some down time. I gotta look into when the next level of Spanish begins. I'd like to take it in the summer to keep me on time for graduation. My other summer class doesn't begin until late July.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Semester Grades so far :
Personal Development 85%
Design 2 laboratory 97%
Nutrition 391"points" = C
I still have my Design 2 lecture final on Wednesday, and my Spanish 2 final exam on Tuesday.
Design 2 laboratory 97%
Nutrition 391"points" = C
I still have my Design 2 lecture final on Wednesday, and my Spanish 2 final exam on Tuesday.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Exercise Study
I saw an add in the paper looking for healthy women who are between 18 and 45, nonsmokers, not on medication and willing to participate in an exercise study at TWU. Today after class, I had my appointment to meet with Josh Wooten at TWU who is doing the study.
Details: The study should last the length of the summer. The first two months ALL I do is email Josh to let him know the dates related to my cycle. Then around July I go in and get my blood drawn, then I jog however long it takes me to burn 500 calories on a treadmill (60-90mins for most) and they keep track of all my vitals and all that. The study is looking into the Short-term effects of exercise. Josh is writing a dissertation about how different things in the body change after just one good session of exercise. During the jogging session, I'm given Gatoraid and they'll have bagels with cream cheese for afterwards. A week after the jogging test, I come in and let them check my vitals while I rest for a solid hour, so they can check my resting metabolism. Along the way I get my bone density measured and they do that test where the measure my pudge with huge tweezer-looking things. I'll find out the specific number of calories that my body burns in it's basal/resting mode, so I'll know how many calories I specifically need to eat every day. It's not a weight loss study, so I'm not supposed to start any new exercise regime (anything more than I do in my normal life chasing the kids) for the length of the study. All in all the study should take 15 hours of my time, including sitting at home writing down the food I ate the night before any bloodwork. I can drop out of the study any time I want, but I get $50 as a reward for continuing the study to the end. Other than that $50 stipend, I'm just gaining the results from about $1000 worth of bloodtests. Since I haven't been checked out in a while, I thought this would be a good way to get checked out at no cost to me.
Details: The study should last the length of the summer. The first two months ALL I do is email Josh to let him know the dates related to my cycle. Then around July I go in and get my blood drawn, then I jog however long it takes me to burn 500 calories on a treadmill (60-90mins for most) and they keep track of all my vitals and all that. The study is looking into the Short-term effects of exercise. Josh is writing a dissertation about how different things in the body change after just one good session of exercise. During the jogging session, I'm given Gatoraid and they'll have bagels with cream cheese for afterwards. A week after the jogging test, I come in and let them check my vitals while I rest for a solid hour, so they can check my resting metabolism. Along the way I get my bone density measured and they do that test where the measure my pudge with huge tweezer-looking things. I'll find out the specific number of calories that my body burns in it's basal/resting mode, so I'll know how many calories I specifically need to eat every day. It's not a weight loss study, so I'm not supposed to start any new exercise regime (anything more than I do in my normal life chasing the kids) for the length of the study. All in all the study should take 15 hours of my time, including sitting at home writing down the food I ate the night before any bloodwork. I can drop out of the study any time I want, but I get $50 as a reward for continuing the study to the end. Other than that $50 stipend, I'm just gaining the results from about $1000 worth of bloodtests. Since I haven't been checked out in a while, I thought this would be a good way to get checked out at no cost to me.
Anywho, today in class I got back my 50's sculptures which have been on display in a trophy case in the Art Department since the middle of the semester. With those back home, I wanted to go ahead and get the shelves for them up on the wall. I salvaged theses rectangles from the theatre sceneshop trashcan during "Three Penny Opera". Elaine watched me paint them this afternoon and attach them to the wall. I'm all about free storage solutions. Only cost me the craft paint that I already had. I like that all my little bitty eeyore figures fit on one shelf (just the jumbo ones don't fit). The new rectangle shelves work well with the shelf from Pawpaw's garage(on the left). Both have the hand-made look.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
been homeworking all afternoon/night
I studied all afternoon, taking the pre-quiz over and over. I felt okay about the material for the Spanish quiz and sure enough, it only took me 9 of the 20 minutes available and I made a 98. I'm sure all the information fell out my ears as soon as the test was over, lol. I have a week to brush up my Spanish competency before the final. I think I'll be a flashcard-making machine.
After I took my Spanish exam around 8:40, I started studying for Nutrition. I got a B for the Nutrition exam. I have a solid B in that class as long as I get a B on the final this weekend (Yes! The final is this weekend on Sunday... suh-ucks.)
It's 11:30pm and I'm on my little homework break. Jimmy's been watching the kids all night. He cooked Mexican food. My apron project is due tomorrow afternoon for Design lecture. I have to wear it to class and model it. Then in the lab timeslot on Thursday, I have to wear it again for a critique. Today I crossed my name off of the sign-up sheet for the theatre's design expo. The set up time is at the same time as my design lecture, so I can't participate. *pout* Well, that's all the time I have for pouting. I gotta paint my apron with a glue/water clearcoat to protect it from peeling up. It has to dry overnight, so I can wear it to class. I'll get Jim to take pics of me wearing it.
After I took my Spanish exam around 8:40, I started studying for Nutrition. I got a B for the Nutrition exam. I have a solid B in that class as long as I get a B on the final this weekend (Yes! The final is this weekend on Sunday... suh-ucks.)
It's 11:30pm and I'm on my little homework break. Jimmy's been watching the kids all night. He cooked Mexican food. My apron project is due tomorrow afternoon for Design lecture. I have to wear it to class and model it. Then in the lab timeslot on Thursday, I have to wear it again for a critique. Today I crossed my name off of the sign-up sheet for the theatre's design expo. The set up time is at the same time as my design lecture, so I can't participate. *pout* Well, that's all the time I have for pouting. I gotta paint my apron with a glue/water clearcoat to protect it from peeling up. It has to dry overnight, so I can wear it to class. I'll get Jim to take pics of me wearing it.