Thursday, May 10, 2007

Final Final

Today was my final for Design. I felt okay about it, since I stared at flashcards all morning. The test was over all these random facts about different sculptors. Who made the Vietnam Memorial? Who served in the Peace Corps for two years before moving to Scandinavia? Seriously, that's what the questions were like. Anywho, I just checked my grade online and discovered I earned a 97% on the final exam today and a 98% for the semester overall grade.

Final Tally for the semester
Spanish 2 B
Design 2 lecture A
Design 2 lab A
Nutrition C
Personal Development B

I sold back two textbooks today and got $55. I'm really glad we bought them on in the first place. I only paid $80 for the two brand new books at the beginning of the semester and got a lot of that back today. (Typical buy-back price is 1/3 of the original value).
Today Jimmy applied for a job cooking at UNT. No word yet.

Our pastor, Chuck, asked me to paint something for the main entryway of the church's sanctuary. I emailed him my preliminary sketches today and he "loved" them. Lots of good feedback. Sounds like we are gonna take some measurements on Sunday and I'm gonna get cracking on this painting. :) I think that's it for now. TTYL

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