I saw an add in the paper looking for healthy women who are between 18 and 45, nonsmokers, not on medication and willing to participate in an exercise study at TWU. Today after class, I had my appointment to meet with Josh Wooten at TWU who is doing the study.
Details: The study should last the length of the summer. The first two months ALL I do is email Josh to let him know the dates related to my cycle. Then around July I go in and get my blood drawn, then I jog however long it takes me to burn 500 calories on a treadmill (60-90mins for most) and they keep track of all my vitals and all that. The study is looking into the Short-term effects of exercise. Josh is writing a dissertation about how different things in the body change after just one good session of exercise. During the jogging session, I'm given Gatoraid and they'll have bagels with cream cheese for afterwards. A week after the jogging test, I come in and let them check my vitals while I rest for a solid hour, so they can check my resting metabolism. Along the way I get my bone density measured and they do that test where the measure my pudge with huge tweezer-looking things. I'll find out the specific number of calories that my body burns in it's basal/resting mode, so I'll know how many calories I specifically need to eat every day. It's not a weight loss study, so I'm not supposed to start any new exercise regime (anything more than I do in my normal life chasing the kids) for the length of the study. All in all the study should take 15 hours of my time, including sitting at home writing down the food I ate the night before any bloodwork. I can drop out of the study any time I want, but I get $50 as a reward for continuing the study to the end. Other than that $50 stipend, I'm just gaining the results from about $1000 worth of bloodtests. Since I haven't been checked out in a while, I thought this would be a good way to get checked out at no cost to me.
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