I was told to go to the theatre this morning EARLY for painting, but once I got there I saw there was very little painting work to be done. We painted most of the set on previous days and the parts we haven't painted are still being built. I kept busy for a little over 2 hours and then was allowed to come home. We picked up Micah (who is also on Spring Break) and took the kids to the park. Allan and I rode down a hill in the wagon! Much fun was had, but no camera was there.
The assistant set designer, Keila, called me tonight. She said that I can skip coming in to paint tomorrow, Saturday. And I also can take Sunday (the official beginning of "tech week") off from painting. This is so they can catch up and complete constructing the set pieces. So I have the next two days off, then all heck will break loose and I'll be at the theatre crazy late hours.
We're probably going to Garland tomorrow. Margo bought me a magazine subscription, so I made her a present. Also, Mary and the kids are all at Steven's house. So we are making an appearance there too.
I got a call from the church earlier. I've been asked to assist with the Easter pageant. It sounds very ambitious this year. I'm supposed to construct props, maybe help brainstorm on the set (our pastor worked construction before, so building it wouldn't fall on my hands), and possibly play a non-speaking role in the presentation. I'll get more details this coming week.
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