I sewed some lace for a collar to this collar-less cardigan that Trisha gave to me. It's still too small on me in the arms (where I carry my weight), but it'll eventually fit.
Disappointing news: I completely forgot that I had an online test this last Thursday for Nutrition. I remembered this morning. The trouble is that I do all of my Personal Development and Nutrition homework on Mondays and Tuesdays, respectively. The test was on a Thursday and I hadn't checked my day planner. So, I'm disappointed with myself. There is no sense in writing stuff down, if I don't check my day planner. I can recover from missing the test. I had an 'A' in Nutrition so far. It's actually a pretty hard class. The readings are dense with anatomical information.
I have a big Quiz in Spanish this Wednesday. I'm still doing great in Spanish. :D I want to take both Spanish 3 and 4 in summer school. That would make this following Fall/Spring my last year of college. Wish me luck with Spanish. Hubby says he'll help me when I take Statistics to cover my math credits.
I heard from my brother on myspace on Friday night. He reached his destination (I assumed Iraq, but actually he's in Kuwait) safely. Instead of responding to all my questions about how he got there and details about what he's up to, he only responded to my questions about care packages. Later when I read an email that he wrote to my mom, calling one location "The big K", I figured that he isn't allowed to directly talk about locations and plans in emails. He said that he's been eating McDonalds and waiting to get to his "final destination".
He wants a disposable camera, a Tattoo International Magazine, some HICKORY flavored beef jerky, some Big Red Cream soda in cans, some Dr.Pepper in cans. He seems picky. :p I wont be sending him that magazine, but I am passing along his request to the rest of the fam. I just don't think that since we are some of the few Christians close to Mark, we shouldn't be sending reading materials of a top-less nature. What does that say about Christ followers? I'm gonna look for some Artist-related reading material or magazines related to his other interest. He's supposed to be living on the base. I have his address, if anyone needs it.
All on Wednesday Jimmy worked from 7am-3pm at the Elk's and 4pm-Close at Cracker Barrel. Then Thursday he worked from 10am-close at the Cracker Barrel. He worked 60 hours last week and is scheduled to work another 60 this week. He ended up calling in sick (tired) to the Elk's for Friday. After he called in, I let him sleep late. He was SO achy from working that many hours, standing on his feet. He kinda needed a mental health day. We took the kids to the park, let me look at the thrift store and after long nap we went to Garland. We ate dinner with Allan, Fumie and Steven but then Jimmy was getting tired. He was scheduled to work at10 Saturday morning for Cracker Barrel. We called it a night and headed back to Denton around 11pm.
On the way, Allan projectile vomited in the new van!! We had to pull over. Luckily I had new clothes for Allan in his diaper bag. I had to cover his carseat with a blanket and then launder it when we got home. He was fine after he threw up. Allan fell right to sleep.
I worked on my clay sculptures all weekend. I made a dress form that I don't like, so it wont be turned in for the assignment. I made a tea kettle last night that is still sitting in our oven. I need to paint it. And I need to paint the sewing machine I made. From researching online, I've learned that the body of my clay sewing machine is more like the novice/young housewife model of Singer from the mid-50's. The expert version was black and more tapered.
I'm gonna get on to my online classes and do any/all extra credit surveys that are attached to my Nutrition class. There are a bunch. Maybe they will help cushion my grade after missing that test. I'm still pouting over that one, but trying to be practical.
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