I missed it, but I heard about it:
Right before Jim and the kids drove to fetch me from work, Elaine was whining and Allan told her, "Be quiet. Elaine a bad girl." He's really starting to make more sense.
I saw online: I earned an 88% on my Communication exam. That means I get to skip the optional final exam for that class. The final was going to be on a Saturday, so I'd have to miss work. I'm glad it worked out.
I got a 92% on my Spanish reading assignment last week.
We have to re-apply for food stamps. They expire at the end of December. I'm curious to see how my job effects our eligibility. The loans from Hope and Scott, should be counted as *loans* not "income", but we'll see how the govt. looks at it all when they check out bank account records and my income records.
We paid off one of Jimmy's tickets this week (for not updating his driver's license when we moved to this trailer) and we have one more to go. We'll have that one paid off early this coming week, once I deposit my paycheck. This ticket was for driving the Taurus with an out-of-date inspection.
It's so nice to have a dependable vehicle.
I talked to my brother and Berta on Thanksgiving. Mark sounded pretty busy with his girlfriends kids, but we talked for a good 15 minutes or so. He's been really sick with Allergies and the flu.
Dave wanted to come over and take the kids ice skating tonight. But the rinks were closed. I think it'd be fun to go right before we leave for the Christmas vacation. But I bet it's less crowded now.
My craft room/office is a pig sty. Mental note: work on that. I think I'll get more serious about cleaning in here after I've finished drawing those girls. I need to get that completed and to the customer, so they can have it framed by Christmas!
I bought Allan a water-proof sheet for his full-sized mattress. That'll make my life a little more worry-free. He already broke it in last night. ;)
Today was fun at work. My female boss had me hem some of her jeans, then we spent over an hour playing with a Bedazzler. It was a rainey freezing day, so customers weren't pouring in. Regina keeps complementing my sewing abilities. I mended a tuxedo while a customer waited the other day. I got major kudos for that one.
Earlier this week, I had to email the church with our wish lists for the Secret Santas. This year our secret santas don't go to our church, but wanted to help a family anonymously. We were told that they love to shop and all the specifics we can give them will be helpful. It's kinda awkward to try to sum our family up in a few paragraphs, but It'd be hard for them to shop for us otherwise (so says our Pastor's wife). So here's what we mailed the secret Santas:
Size: 2T-3T. He'll be a solid 3T by spring.
Shoe size: 9 1/2. He has a few pairs of shoes already, but needs more socks.
Allan is interested in playing with his Cars & Trucks. He loves anything with pirates or swords.. His favorite characters are from Finding Nemo, Cars, and Spiderman. He loves to watch "The Backyardigans" and "Blues Clues" on TV.
Wishes: Allan has outgrown his hooded baby towels, so 1-2 towels for the big boy would be nice. I think he'd like the video, "The Incredibles" since he likes superheroes or the first "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie. He'd also enjoy any Blues Clues video tapes. Allan is rough with his toys, so durability is pretty important. He would enjoy wooden puzzles, sturdy toddler books, or sturdy cars.
Size: 5T
Shoe size: 10
Elaine is interested in princesses, soccer & hockey, and drawing/crafts. She is learning to read. She loves watching the "Little Einsteins" on TV. Elaine is still very much into playing dress up and pretending she is a princess or Chef.
Wishes: Elaine asked for nailpolish, a jump rope and a yo-yo for Christmas. Toy food would go over really well. I think she would like the movie "Ratatouille", since it's about cooking. She would also enjoy the movies, "Meet the Robinsons" and "Little Einsteins Big HUGE Adventure". She could use some nightgowns. Any sort of reading games would be great.
Size: 16-18 (XL)
Shoesize: 11w
Interests: I go to college full time and I work retail fulltime at a Costume store. In my minimal free-time I work on the kids baby books, take lots of pictures, paint or draw. I love bold colors, polka dots and anything that's retro (1950's) or shabby chic.
Wishes: V-neck work-appropriate shirts. A black button-down sweater. Head scarves. Socks. A Wok (for stir fry). Paper for a 12x12" scrapbook. A Fine Frenzy:'One cell in the Sea' CD. I'd love to receive some Queen-sized sheets that have simple pink roses on them (our bedroom is all mix-matched shabby chic).
Size: 2X Tall shirts, 38"x34" pants
Shoe size: 13
Interests: Cooking, Baking from scratch, making pasta from scratch, computers, flying stunt kites, sodoku.
Wishes: He wants a small wooden cutting board for chopping veggies. He also wants one of those magnetic strips that sticks to the wall, to store cutting knives. He'd like metal mixing bowls. He'd like the book "A Year of Living Biblically" by AJ Jacobs. He'd like "The Simpsons Movie". "