Elaine isn't sick any more. But I am. I have sinus drainage and fevers.
I bought Allan new socks and underwear.
I worked all day today, I'll work after class tomorrow and work a half-day on Wednesday. The shop closes at 1pm. I get Thurs off from school/work. But I work Friday. I'm glad I put the tree up early, since I normally do it on the Friday after Thanksgiving.
Elaine's class is having a Thanksgiving meal tomorrow. I made a quiche for her to take. ( I was assigned an "egg dish" by the teacher).
Elaine got her report card-
She is "DEVELOPED" in understanding directions, enjoys listening and responding to books, counts by ones to 10 or higher (she can could to 200), counts concrete objects to five or higher, demonstrates safe practices and appropriate use of science materials, makes observations using 5 senses, identifies and follows classroom rules, understands the roles of community workers, uses a variety of materials to create original artwork, uses art as a form of self expression, responds appropriately to fire drill, developed a sense of personal space, expresses interest and self-direction in learning, respect other people's space and personal belongings, shows increase levels of profieciency, control and balance in physical movements, demonstrates increasing ability to use scissors, pencils and art tools, and can start,use and exit software programs.
She ranked as "STILL DEVELOPING" in sharing ideas, taking turns listening and speaking, participating in classsroom jobs, understanding the basic needs of all people for food, clothing and shelter, aware of healthy routine behaviors, beings to recognize and select healthy foods, begins to be responsible for individual behavior and actions, begins to develop friendship with others, and begins to use technical terminology, such as "mouse", "keyboard", "printer" and "Cd-Rom".
Poor thing got a lower grade at making friends and talking about computers... this is OUR kid? lol.
Tomorrow I have a Spanish assignment due, a play review due, and a major exam in personal finance.... so I gotta get back to homeworking.
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